Main boilerplate contains bloc-provider and application bloc, environment service, shared-prefferences service, basic api service, flutter test-friver for integrational tests.
- Clone the repo.
- Change repo's origin
git remote set-url origin your_repo_url
. - Either run
flutter packages get
or go topubspec.yaml
and press appropriate button. - Go to
and change values of host variables:
const releaseHost = '';
const stagingHost = '';
To run integrational tests use flutter drive --target=./test_driver/main-flow.dart
Email auth - configured boilerplate with authentication via email and code. Contains everything that contains main boilerplate but more. There are 2 screens, with form, form validation, configured api login requests etc. To use it, just switch to branch phone_auth
git fetch origin phone_auth
git checkout phone_auth
Firebase Cloud Messaging - configured boilerplate with no auth, but initialised FCM. See docs here.
Facebook Login - configured boilerplate with fb auth. See docs here.