This repository contains version 2 of the "ClinSig" program, a Shiny application developed in RStudio that visualizes clinical variants from the NCBI ClinVar database in a lollipop plot format according to their clinical significance.
Version 2 Enhancements: *Some errors that occurred during data manipulation were fixed. *Processing times for generating the lollipop plots were optimized. The key changes in Version 2 include: *Errors in the data manipulation step during conversion of text files to CSV format were resolved. *Performance improvements were made to reduce processing times for generating the interactive lollipop plots from the input variant data.
How to Use?
- Search ClinVar database for the gene of clinical interest and download all variants as a text file.
- Load required R libraries.
- Run the data_manipulation.R script to select the text file and generate a my_data.csv file.
- Load libraries again and run the Lollipop_plot_shiny.R script.
- In the Shiny app screen, upload the my_data.csv file and click submit to generate an interactive lollipop plot of the variants.