Fan made Final Fantasy VIII & XIV Triple Triad in AS3 AIR. Many assets belongs to Square Enix
Last version (v4) of a project started in 2009. Originaly the goal of this project was to learn how to code in ActionScript 3 in a funny way.
Developped with FlashDevelop : Using Starling Framework : And Feathers UI :
This version contains many features :
- Multi Saves system
- FF8 Cards and Rules
- FF14 Cards and Rules
- Decks
- Achievements System
- Many Bots from FF14 & FF8
This may contains bugs... Actually the Online feature is broken due to the lack of server (Originally a python Palabre socket server) and the code was simply copy/paste from the v3. The developpement process is stopped since 2015, so i decided to share the source code, maybe it can be usefull to someone.