Hugo HTML5up Alpha is a port of the static HTML template Alpha by HTML5 UP. It is designed to mirror the look and feel of the original template as closely as possible while taking advantage of all the best features Hugo has to offer.
- Blog
- Sections
- Taxonomies
- Page bundles
- Disqus Comments
- Fontawesome icons
- Menus and Submenus
- OpenGraph Metadata
- Customizable Homepage
This theme comes with a more comprehensive demo, which closely mimics the original HTML5 UP theme and demonstrates more of its features. You can view a fully functional demo at:
To run the demo locally use the following commands:
$ git clone
$ cd hugo-html5up-alpha/exampleSite
$ hugo server --themesDir ../..
See the demo's configuration as an example:
The homepage has five sections that are customizable and removable.
- Banner
- Highlight
- Features
- Blog
- Call to Action
Settings for the homepage come from data\homepage.yml
### Banner ###
enable: true
title: "Alpha"
content: "" # Change this if you want something other then the site description
- title: "#"
link: "#"
class: "primary"
- title: "Learn More"
link: "#"
### Highlight ###
enable: true
header: "Introducing the ultimate mobile app <br /> for doing stuff with your phone"
content: "Blandit varius ut praesent nascetur eu penatibus nisi risus faucibus nunc ornare<br /> adipiscing nunc adipiscing. Condimentum turpis massa."
image: "images/pic01.jpg"
### Features ###
enable: true
- items:
- title: "Magna etiam"
icon: "fa-bolt"
accent: "accent2" #accent values are 1-8
content: "Integer volutpat ante et accumsan commophasellus sed aliquam feugiat lorem aliquet ut enim rutrum phasellus iaculis accumsan dolore magna aliquam veroeros."
- title: "Ipsum dolor"
icon: "fa-chart-area"
accent: "accent3" #accent values are 1-8
content: "Integer volutpat ante et accumsan commophasellus sed aliquam feugiat lorem aliquet ut enim rutrum phasellus iaculis accumsan dolore magna aliquam veroeros."
- items:
- title: "Sed feugiat"
icon: "fa-cloud"
accent: "accent4" #accent values are 1-8
content: "Integer volutpat ante et accumsan commophasellus sed aliquam feugiat lorem aliquet ut enim rutrum phasellus iaculis accumsan dolore magna aliquam veroeros."
- title: "Enim phasellus"
icon: "fa-lock"
accent: "accent5" #accent values are 1-8
content: "Integer volutpat ante et accumsan commophasellus sed aliquam feugiat lorem aliquet ut enim rutrum phasellus iaculis accumsan dolore magna aliquam veroeros."
### Blog ###
enable: true
# Leave header text blank to remove entire <section>
header: "Recent Posts"
buttonText: "Read More"
postCount: 2
### Call to Action ###
enable: true
header: "# for beta access"
content: "Blandit varius ut praesent nascetur eu penatibus nisi risus faucibus nunc."
The global header is also configurable by modifying the globalheader.yml
title: "[Alpha](/) by HTML5 UP"
enable: true
title: "#"
link: "#"
The cover image URL is hard-coded, therefore to replace this add an image to the following location in your Hugo application:
The comments section is not shown unless a Disqus code is set in the config.toml
disqusShortname = "XXX"
This theme is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Read More - LICENSE