React components based on styles from Material Design Components Web project. Components are written in React.js. Doesn't use MDC foundation classes.
From CDN
<script src=""></script>
From package manager
npm i --save react-mdc-web
- Include CSS with default theme into HTML page
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
- Or import it into JS/JSX file
// MyApp/index.js import 'material-components-web/dist/material-components-web.min.css';
Override default theme colors with Sass or with CSS Custom Properties, just follow these guides:
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import {Card, CardHeader, CardTitle, CardText, CardActions, Button} from 'react-mdc-web/lib';
class MyComponent extends Component {
render() {
return (
Title goes here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sint adipiscing ius eu
<Button compact>Save</Button>
<Button compact accent>Remove</Button>
More samples could be found on the Documentation Site
- create parent folder react-mdc-web-dev
- clone/fork react-mdc-web inside the react-mdc-web-dev folder
- create app for testing (for example: git clone
- should now have folder with react-mdc-web-showcase and react-mdc-web folders inside of it.
- cd react-mdc-web-showcase
- npm rm --save-dev react-mdc-web
- npm i --save-dev ../react-mdc-web
- npm i --save-dev material-components-web
- npm start
- cd ../react-mdc-web
- npm run watch
MIT, see LICENSE for details