- Introduction
- Documentation
- Requirements
- Installation & Configuration
- Docker Installation
- License
- Security Vulnerabilities
Krayin CRM is a hand tailored CRM framework built on some of the hottest opensource technologies such as Laravel (a PHP framework) and Vue.js a progressive Javascript framework.
Free & Opensource Laravel CRM solution for SMEs and Enterprises for complete customer lifecycle management.
Read our documentation: Krayin CRM Docs
We also have a forum for any type of concerns, feature requests, or discussions. Please visit: Krayin CRM Forums
Visit our live Demo
It packs in lots of features that will allow your E-Commerce business to scale in no time:
- Descriptive and Simple Admin Panel.
- Admin Dashboard.
- Custom Attributes.
- Built on Modular Approach.
- Email parsing via Sendgrid.
- Check out these features and more.
For Developers: Take advantage of two of the hottest frameworks used in this project -- Laravel and Vue.js -- both of which have been used in Krayin CRM.
Krayin Documentation https://devdocs.krayincrm.com
- SERVER: Apache 2 or NGINX.
- RAM: 3 GB or higher.
- PHP: 8.1 or higher
- For MySQL users: 5.7.23 or higher.
- For MariaDB users: 10.2.7 or Higher.
- Node: 8.11.3 LTS or higher.
- Composer: 2.5 or higher
composer create-project
Find .env file in root directory and change the APP_URL param to your domain.
Also, Configure the Mail and Database parameters inside .env file.
php artisan krayin-crm:install
To execute Krayin:
Warning: Before going into production mode we recommend you uninstall developer dependencies. In order to do that, run the command below:
composer install --no-dev
Open the specified entry point in your hosts file in your browser or make an entry in hosts file if not done.
php artisan route:clear
php artisan serve
How to log in as admin:
Krayin CRM WhatsApp Extension enables the store administrator to generate leads via their WhatsApp number.
Krayin CRM VoIP extension allows the user to make Trunk calls over a broadband Internet connection and the user can also perform Inbound routes.
Krayin CRM is a truly opensource CRM framework which will always be free under the OSL-3.0 License.
Please don't disclose security vulnerabilities publicly. If you find any security vulnerability in Krayin CRM then please email us: sales@krayincrm.com.