Finds cheapest auction items across all AHs region-wide
Check out section "Client ID and secret" at the following link:
The first step in using OAuth is getting a client_id and client_secret via the API Access tool:
Log in to the Developer Portal. Click Create New Client. Enter a client name. The client name is used to identify the client in the list view. Client names may be visible to your site users and globally unique across all developer accounts.
Enter any redirect URIs needed (see below for details). Note: the Developer Portal does not validate redirect URIs entered by developers.
Enter the URL for the client application your are building and a description of your intended use for the APIs.
Once you have the client id and secret, input them into the "secrets.json" file.
I didn't create any CLI for this, open up the file and at the top, change
ITEM_ID - to the item you are trying to price, use wowhead to find item id
REGION - to the region you are using
then run
by default, it prints the 3 cheapest options... however, you can play with the sorted data in the main function anyway you want. use GPT if you are not used to coding
Thanks for checking this out, if there is a lot of intrest, i can improve on this in the future
Pets are all considered 'pet cage' for the item id, but have species ID. To use this code, at the top
REGION - to the region you are using
SPECIES_IDS - list of species IDs you are looking for. use the first column (ID) of the following link
then run