This tools runs for MAC OS X only. Extracts the first picture (cover) of an document (PDF, iWork documents, Microsoft Office documents, epub, CBr, CBZ, C7...).
If no output is specified, the picture will have the same name like the ebook but with '.jpg' extension. It's possible to generate several outputs in several dimensions for a given ducument.
This tool uses the Quick Look and it's command tool qlmanage. (Quick Look is a quick preview feature developed by Apple Inc. which was introduced in its operating system, Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard.)
Type "qlmanage -m" in the command line (terminal, shell) to see the installed Quick Look plugins. Additional plugins can be installed: I recommend Simple Comic for comics. Information about more Quick Look plugins can be found here: QuickLook Plugins List.
var ecql = require('cover-generator-by-quicklook');
'/Volumes/2TB/jdownload/Eigentlich ist mein Leben gar n - Chris Nolde.epub', {
forceOverwrite: true,
outputs: [
{nameExtension: "", size: 300}, // abc.cbr -> abc.jpg
{nameExtension: "_xl", size: 1200} // abc.cbr -> abc_xl.jpg
tmpDir: '/Volumes/ramdisk/tmp'
}, function(err) {
if (err) return console.error(err);'Done.');
var ecql = require('cover-generator-by-quicklook');
'/Volumes/2TB/jdownload/___x/**/*.+(epub|cb*|pdf)', {
forceOverwrite: true,
outputs: [
{nameExtension: "", size: 600} // abc.cbr -> abc.jpg
tmpDir: '/Volumes/ramdisk/tmp'
}, function(err) {
if (err) return console.error(err);'Done.');
Information about glob file pattern can be found here: Glob Primer.
Key | Possible values | Comment |
forceDirectory | true/false/undefined | if false, an existing jpeg file will not be overwritten. |
outputs | <array> | See below. |
tempDir | <String> | '.' (default) or absolute path |
Sample for option.outputs:
// abc.cbr -> abc.jpg
{nameExtension: "", size: 300},
// abc.cbr -> abc_xl.jpg
{nameExtension: "_xl", size: 1200},
// original size. abc.cbr -> abc_o.jpg
{nameExtension: "_o", size: null}