git clone --recursive
cd cite-extension
yarn install
yarn build
The build are built in build/
- Go to chrome://extensions/
- Enable "Developer Mode".
- Click "Load unpacked extension…" and select the
- Go to about:debugging
- Click "Load Temporary Add-on" and select the
- Make sure you have Safari 14 and Xcode 12 installed
- In the terminal, convert the extension to be Safari compatibale
xcrun safari-web-extension-converter <your build folder>
- Click Run to launch the extension
- Safari will be opened
- Safari -> preferences -> enable development menu
- Safari -> develop menu -> click allow unsigned extension (need to do this every time safari is restarted)
- Safari -> preferences -> extensions tab -> click the extension
- open an website on Safari, click the icon near the address bar, and allow the access
brew install chrome-cli
npm install -g gulp
to project rootyarn install
yarn build
gulp watch-chrome
As files are changed, the extension will be rebuilt automatically and Chrome will reload the extension.
- Get and install the Mozilla web-ext tool
to project rootyarn install
yarn build
gulp watch
(in a different terminal window)
As files are changed, the extension will be rebuilt automatically and Firefox will reload the extension.
to project rootnpm install
yarn build
gulp watch
As files are changed, the extension will be rebuilt automatically. You will need to manually reload the extension in the browser being developed for.
The functionality exposed on Chrome and Firefox is provided by the Chrome extension framework, which has also been adopted by Firefox. See Chrome Extension docs and Firefox Extension docs for more information.
Safari version was converted from Chrome/Firefox version by using safari-web-extension-converter
provided by Apple. See Converting a web extension for Safari for more details.
If you have any questions about this extension you can email us at