This repository contains a helm chart example using a custom demo-library
More about the library chart in my other repo
This command will update and download your custom helm library charts and other dependencies.
In this case, it will download my demo-library
chart from my OCI public repo.
Look at this dependency: Chart.yaml#30
helm dependency update .
Feel free to render this chart locally to see what happened and how ConfigMap rendered from the library chart:
helm template .
$ helm template test-release .
# Source: demo-chart/templates/configmap.yaml
apiVersion: v1
myvalue: Hello World
kind: ConfigMap
labels: demo-chart-test-release
name: demo-chart-test-release
If you are creating your charts using a library charts, you need to push your charts to an OCI registry as well.
This part is similar to a library chart instructions and uses similar auth in your OCI repo.
So at the first you need update helm dependencies
Then just package it:
helm package .
$ helm package .
Successfully packaged chart and saved it to: /path/to/demo-chart-0.1.1.tgz
helm push demo-chart-0.1.1.tgz oci://$QUAY_USERNAME/test-helm
$ helm push demo-chart-0.1.1.tgz oci://$QUAY_USERNAME/test-helm
Digest: sha256:31627af4fbe50626f7759ba00eaf1ffbb509433881d711598c847b5c390b28c6
If you are creating a CI/CD pipeline or doing manual builds, don't forget to delete archives, lock file and charts/
after a successful push in the registry.