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kswedberg edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 5 revisions


Please post further bug reports and feature requests on this repo’s issue page

If you see anything wrong with the jQuery textmate bundle or something that’s missing, but you don’t want to fork the project or whatever, jot down your comments below:
GetBundles doesn’t seem able to install the jquery bundle from github. Known issue?
— Yeah. I don’t know who maintains the GetBundles bundle, but I think it pulls bundles from the old MacroMates SVN repo. Might be worth tracking down the developer of GetBundles.

New snippet, triggered by $#
This is an extra handy way to handle the common case of selecting by id, because $ and # are adjacent (on US keyboards at least), so they can be struck with one motion of the fingers.
— Looks nice. I’ll look into adding that.

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