Install Python 3.6 or up
Install python libraries [you could create a virtualenv if you want to]
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download spacy en corpus
python -m spacy download en
Install mongodb
Create database
with collectionsreviews
Run mongoimport command to read json into your local mongo collections
$ mongoimport -d yelp -c business <yelp_academic_dataset_business.json> $ mongoimport -d yelp -c reviews <path to yelp_academic_dataset_review.json> $ mongoimport -d yelp -c checkins <path to yelp_academic_dataset_checkin.json>
Delete business data which are not restaurants or canadian or closed
var food_ids = [] db.business.find( { '$or':[ {'categories': {'$not': /.*Restaurants.*/}}, {'state': {'$in': ['AB','BC','MB','NB','NL','NT','NS','NU','ON','PE','QC','SK','YT']}}, {'is_open': 0} ] }, {'business_id': 1} ).forEach(row => { food_ids.push(row['business_id']) }) db.checkins.deleteMany({'business_id': {$in: food_ids}}) db.reviews.deleteMany({'business_id': {$in: food_ids}}) db.business.deleteMany({'business_id': {$in: food_ids}})
Create index
db.business.createIndex({'business_id': 1}) db.reviews.createIndex({'business_id': 1}) db.checkins.createIndex({'business_id': 1})
Create dataset dictionary
Run the following command in the home directory to create the data dictionary python3 create_data_dict.py
Run the flask server and head to localhost:5000
python run.py