Generative models using Keras and Pytorch
- python3
- keras or pytorch
- parser description
- -d : dataset name(mnist or fashion_mnist)
- --latentdim : latent dimention(default=2)
- --epoch : the number of epochs(default=2)
- -b : the number of batch size(default=16)
python3 ./ -d [dataset_name]
- parser description
- -d : dataset name(mnist, fashio_manist or cifar10)
- -b : batch size(default=128)
- --epoch : the number of epochs(default=20)
- --latentdim : latent dimention(default=100)
- --leakyrelu : use leeaky-ReLU or not(default=True)
- --tilt : tilt of leaky-ReLU(default=0.2)
- --droprate : dropout rate(default=0.3)
- --genoptim : generator's optimizer(default=adam)
- --discoptim : discriminator's optimizer(default=adam)
- --softlabel : use softlabel or not(default=False)
python3 ./ -d [dataset_name]