KUDEDGE Platform Play Server. Simple example of a project deployable on KUBEDGE.
Documentation is available Here or Here
- Docker image creation.
- Helm chart for Kubernetes deployment.
- Minimal size container build around GO binary.
- Multi architecture handling (AMD64 and ARM32V7).
- GITHUB as code.
- GERRITUB for code review.
- DOCKERHUB for image repository.
Development and Deployment on KUBEDGE SDK. No Helm chart.
cd charts/kubeplay && helm install kubeplay . --values values.yaml --values values-dev.yaml
Deployment on KUBEDGE Raspberry PI Cluster 32bits. Helm chart provided.
cd charts/kubeplay && helm install kubeplay . --values values.yaml --values values-arm32v7.yaml
Deployment on KUBEDGE Raspberry PI Cluster 64bits. Helm chart provided.
cd charts/kubeplay && helm install kubeplay . --values values.yaml --values values-arm64v8.yaml
Deployment on KUBEDGE CoreOS/Ubuntu Cluster. Helm chart provided.
cd charts/kubeplay && helm install kubeplay . --values values.yaml --values values-amd64.yaml