Mapper-framework is a framework to make writing mappers easier, by providing mapper runtime libs and tools for scaffolding and code generation to bootstrap a new mapper project.
If you don't know how to use device model, device instance APIs, please get more details in the page.
The command below will generate a framework for the customized mapper. Run the command and input your mapper's name:
make generate
Please input the mapper name (like 'Bluetooth', 'BLE'): foo
Please input the build method (like 'stream', 'nostream'): nostream
A project named as your input will be generated. The file tree is as below:
├── cmd ------------------------ Main process.
│ └── main.go ------------------ Almost need not change.
├── config.yaml ---------------- Configuration file including DMI's grpc settting
├── data ----------------------- Publish data and database implementation layer, almost need not change
│ ├── dbmethod ----------------- Provider implement database interfaces to save data
│ │ ├── influxdb2 -------------- Implementation of Time Series Database(InfluxDB)
│ │ │ └── client.go ------------ WIP
│ │ └── redis ----------------- Implementation of K/V Database(Redis)
│ │ └── client.go ---------- WIP
│ └── publish ------------------ Publisher implement push interfaces to push data,will add more protocols in the future
│ ├── http ----------------- HTTP client will push data to server
│ │ └── client.go --------- WIP
│ └── mqtt ----------------- MQTT client will push data to broker
│ └── client.go ------- WIP
├── device --------------------- Implementation device layer, almost need not change
│ ├── device.go ---------------- Device control, almost need not change
│ └── devicetwin.go ------------ Push twin data to EdgeCore, almost need not change
├── Dockerfile
├── driver --------------------- Device driver layer, complete TODO item in this
│ ├── devicetype.go ------------ Refine the struct as your CRD
│ └── driver.go ---------------- Fill in the functions like getting data/setting register.
├── hack
│ └── make-rules
│ └──
└── Makefile
After generating the mapper project and filling driver folder, users can make their own mapper image based on the Dockerfile file and deploy the mapper in the cluster through deployment and other methods. If your mapper is aimed to processing streaming data
docker build -f Dockerfile_stream -t [YOUR MAPPER IMAGE NAME] .
If not, Use the following command:
docker build -f Dockerfile_nostream -t [YOUR MAPPER IMAGE NAME] .
mapper-framework is synced from Code changes are made in that location, merged into kubeedge and later synced here.