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@monopole monopole released this 16 Jul 01:33
· 3265 commits to master since this release

v3.8.1 continues work to rebase kustomize on kyaml.

Kustomize transformers in the v3.8 branch don't depend on kubernetes/* modules. Such dependence exists in the v3.7 branch.

The i/o code in v3.8 still depends on kubernetes/*, but this dependence is being removed to allow reintegration with kubectl.

This release purports to fix an issue arising from the switchover.

This release includes allowing empty lists in resources to be
explicitly declared and retained as such.

So YAML like

  someList: []

won't be dropped in the course of transformation or formatting, as may happen to other empty fields.

Present but declaratively empty list (array) fields are handy as documentation and as
targets for array extension under the fine print of rfc6902.

It's likely going to be important to allow patches to add entries to list fields that are completely missing (creating such fields in the process, as long as openapi type declarations are respected), but that's a different issue.

partial Changelog

155411f Pin to kustomize/api v0.5.1
22ee7cb Pre v3.8.1; Add e2e tests pinned at v3.8.0

(Other changes in the kyaml module)