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Out of tree implementation of

It allows users to use an ipam-controller that allocates IP ranges to Nodes, setting the node.spec.PodCIDRs fields. The ipam-controller is configured via CRDs


Command line Environment Default Description
apiserver IPAM_API_SERVER_URL The address of the Kubernetes API server. Overrides any value in kubeconfig. Only required if out-of-cluster.
kubeconfig IPAM_KUBECONFIG Path to a kubeconfig. Only required if out-of-cluster.
webserver-bind-address IPAM_WEBSERVER_BIND_ADDR :8081 Specifies the TCP address for the probes and metric server to listen on.
enable-leader-election IPAM_ENABLE_LEADER_ELECTION true Enable leader election for the controller manager. Ensures there is only one active controller manager.
leader-elect-lease-duration IPAM_LEASE_DURATION 15s Duration that non-leader candidates will wait to force acquire leadership (duration string).
leader-elect-renew-deadline IPAM_RENEW_DEADLINE 10s Interval between attempts by the acting master to renew a leadership slot before it stops leading (duration string).
leader-elect-retry-period IPAM_RESOURCE_LOCK 2s Duration the clients should wait between attempting acquisition and renewal of a leadership (duration string).
leader-elect-resource-lock IPAM_RESOURCE_LOCK_NAME leases The type of resource object that is used for locking. Supported options are 'leases', 'endpoints', 'configmaps'.
leader-elect-resource-name IPAM_RESOURCE_NAME node-ipam-controller The name of the resource object that is used for locking.


To build the binary for node-ipam-controller:

make build

To build the Docker image for node-ipam-controller:

make image-build


In Cluster

The following command runs a kind cluster, builds the controller, and install it in the cluster. It also creates a default ClusterCIDR.

make run

Outside Cluster

The following command runs a kind cluster and install CRDs. NOTE: run the controller with leader election disabled (see IPAM_ENABLE_LEADER_ELECTION) or specify POD_NAME and POD_NAMESPACE environment variables that are used as leader election ID and namespace.

make setup-test-env


Install node-ipam-controller via helm:

helm install node-ipam-controller ./charts/node-ipam-controller --create-namespace --namespace nodeipam --set image.tag=local