Plugin for easier linking of multiple bible verses in note taking app.
- Use command "Copy bible verses" or "Create obsidian links to bible verses" (described bellow).
- Insert bible link, for example "Gen 1,1-3 or Gen 1.1". Note: Links across more chapters are not supported (yet?).
- Enjoy.
Copies given verses from your bible files and inserts obsidian links to them. This is the main command of the plugin, with many more features than the other one.

>[[Gen-01#v1|Gen 1,1-3]] In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty. Darkness was on the surface of the deep and God's Spirit was hovering over the surface of the waters. God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. [[Gen-01#v1|]][[Gen-01#v2|]][[Gen-01#v3|]]
Note that linking is done using "invisible" links after the verses (those links are visible only in source mode) - this can be turned off in the settings, but it is not recommended if you want to use the full power of Obsidian linking.
- More verses can be displayed as one block of text, which is more visually pleasing than multiple link blocks after each other.
- You can edit the text if you want (for example add some in-line notes, bold important part...) without effecting the original.
Requires you to have bible in markdown in your vault, with similar structure to Obsidian bible study kit - that is:
- 1 file = 1 chapter
- All verses of given chapter are present
- Verse is marked with heading (any level), verse text is on the next line after said heading
# Name of chapter (or some other text)
# v1
1st verse text
###### 2
2nd verse text
### verse 3
3rd verse text
- File names are deduced from the link you enter:
- if your file is named "Gen 1", you will have to enter "Gen 1,1-4"
- if your file is named "Genesis 1", you will have to enter "Genesis 1,1-4"
- exception: if your file is named "Gen-01", you can type either "Gen-01,1-4" or "Gen 1,1-4"
The copy command can be used with multiple bible translations, as long as the following requirements are met:
- Each translation must be kept in its own folder - for example Bible/NIV and Bible/KJV.
- All translations must use the same naming conventions for files - for example if the file is named "Gen 1" in NIV, it can not be "Gn 1" in KJV.
- The structure of the files must be roughly the same, so that they all work with the same "Verse offset" and "Verse heading level" settings.
Multiple translation support must be enabled in the settings, it is off by default.
- Go to Plugin settings and try changing "Verse offset" or "Verse heading level" accordingly.
Simpler command that only creates obsidian links based on input. You can choose if you want standard links (e.g. [[Gen-01#v1]]
), embedded links (e.g. ![[Gen-01#v1]]
) or links invisible in the preview mode (e.g. [[Gen-01#v1|]]
). This command is less powerful, but it also has looser requirements for your bible files, so you can use it even when the copy command does not work.

Basically no requirements, it just parses your input and creates links based on it. If it does not do what you want, look into the settings.
If you want to support this plugin, star it on GitHub. Thank you.
Available through Obsidian Community plugins (Settings/Community plugins)
Copy over main.js
, manifest.json
to your vault VaultFolder/.obsidian/plugins/your-plugin-id/