SIMBL plugin for the Battery status indicator.
It makes the Battery status indicator work just like how it did back in Mac OS X Lion (10.7).
It supports macOS Sierra (10.12) and above.
- Show time:
- Show percentage:
- Show icon only:
- Show time without icon:
- Show percentage without icon:
- Install mySIMBL.
- Build from source or download the latest version.
- Open BatteryExtra.bundle with mySIMBL.
- Log out then log back in or run
killall -KILL SystemUIServer
from the command line.
To only show the battery icon without the label when fully charged, execute the following command in the command line:
defaults write HideLabelWhenCharged YES
To change it back run the following command in the command line:
defaults write HideLabelWhenCharged NO
You need to restart the system for the changes to take effect.