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API reference

しずえ edited this page Oct 11, 2020 · 5 revisions

File server

Client side

Client should sends its requests to the 7000 port of the FS.

Download chunk

GET /chunks/<chunkID>

Query parameters: token

Required: FS expect READ request for that chunkID and token.

Effect: The response body will contain the binary data of the chunk.

Upload chunk

POST /chunks/<chunkID>

Query parameters: token

Required: FS should expect WRITE request for that chunkID and token. The chunk should not exists on the FS.

Effects: FS will store the chunk with the data from the request's body. It will send receivedChunk confirmation to NS.

Server side

Expect action

POST /expect/<token>

Query parameters: action (=read or =write)

Required: Request body should contain a plain JSON array of strings -- chunkIDs for which to expect action.

Effects: FS starts to expect specified action for token and the listed chunks. If the token is already associated with an expect action, the request is ignored and StatusForbidden is returned.

Replicate chunk

POST /replicate

Query parameters: token and ip

Required: Body should contain a JSON array of strings (chunk ids). The provided IP should correspond to an FS. This server should also expect a WRITE action for the provided token and chunks.

Effects: The chunks are sent to the peer FS on the client port. From its point of view, there is no difference in behavior between client and FS sending chunks scenarios.

Cancel token

POST /cancelToken

Query parameters: token

Effects: All expected actions associated with the token are removed. For WRITE expectations, if some chunks were completed, they will be removed from DB.

Purge chunks

POST /purge

Required: body should contain a JSON array of strings -- chunks to purge.

Effects: The specified chunks are marked as obsolete and are not deleted immediately. Only when all expect actions associated with the chunks complete, the chunks are removed. The chunks are removed asynchronously, instead of one-shot.


GET /probe

Effects: The address of the first caller is registered as the address of NS. On the first request to this address, the server will send back information about its hardware characteristics. Any consequent requests from the same address will exhibit the exact same behavior. The requests from other IPs, however, are ignored and StatusForbidden is returned. The information about NS' address is stored on a permanent storage and is loaded back on FS startup. This way, FS stays connected to the pool even after crashes.

Response JSON: A JSON object with fields:

  • available -- the number of bytes free on the FS' storage.

Name Server

Client side

A lot of methods....

Server side

Confirm chunk receive

POST /confirm/receivedChunk

Query parameters: chunkID

Effects: NS server is notified that the chunk with the ID was received by the sender FS.