Yii Sortable Model is a Yii extension that provides with a set of tools to help keeping records of a model manually sorted. Each of these tools can be used alone. Specifically, it provides with:
widget extended to allow drag and drop sorting of records. With it, users will be able to drag and drop with the mouse the rows of the grid to change records order. New order will be automatically saved in the database through an Ajax call.
widget extended to list records sorted.
extended to keep records order consistent when adding or deleting items. With it, when a new record is added it will get automatically the last position, and when one is deleted the rest of records will be rearranged to fill its gap.
Provides the same functionality than SortableCActiveRecord
through a behavior, to allow using custom classes as models.
Yii Sortable Model has been tested with Yii v1.1.8, but surely works with previous versions.
Download Yii Sortable Model from https://github.com/laMarciana/yiisortablemodel
Extract its contents to protected/extensions/
in your Yii installation.
Create a field in the database table of your model with an integer field. This field will be the responsable to store records order.
In your view, add:
<?php $this->widget('ext.yiisortablemodel.widgets.SortableCGridView', array(
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
'orderField' => 'order',
'idField' => 'id',
'orderUrl' => 'order',
); ?>
As in its parent, CGridView
, you must provide a data provider, but in SortableCGridView
this must be an instance of CActiveDataProvider
(the standard if you are working from data coming from a model, like the ones generated by gii).
property defines which is the field that it is meant to store the records order.
property defines which is the field that it is meant to store the primary key of the record.
property defines the name of the action that the controller from where the widget is called will use to trigger the actual ajax sorting. This must be configured as well in the actions()
method of the controller. For example, if orderUrl
is set to order
, then in your controller you must have:
public function actions()
return array(
'order' => array(
'class' => 'ext.yiisortablemodel.actions.AjaxSortingAction',
Don't forget to update, if needed, the access rules to consider this new action. For example:
public function accessRules()
return array(
array('allow', 'actions' => array('order'), 'users' => array('@')),
Look at the class reference for additional options.
In your view, add:
<?php $this->widget('ext.yiisortablemodel.widgets.SortableCListView', array(
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
'orderField' => 'order',
); ?>
As in its parent, CListView
, you must provide a data provider, but in SortableCListView
this must be an instance of CActiveDataProvider
(the standard if you are working from data coming from a model, like the ones generated by gii).
property defines which is the field that it is meant to store records order.
Look at the class reference for additional options.
First, add the models directory of this extension to the import
option of the main configuration file (located in protected/config/main.php
'import' => array(
Tell your model to extend SortableCActiveRecord
instead of CActiveRecord
, and set its $orderField
property to the field in the database table that stores records order:
class myModel extends SortableCActiveRecord {
public $orderField = 'order';
First, add the behaviors directory of this extension to the import
option of the main configuration file (located in protected/config/main.php
'import' => array(
Attach the behavior to your model, for example in the init()
method, and set its $orderField
property to the field in the database table that stores records order:
public function init()
$this->attachBehavior('sortableModel', array(
'class' => 'SortableCActiveRecordBehavior',
'orderField' => 'order'
You have a complete Class Reference, with all the additional options you can set up, in the doc
folder. Class Reference generated by YiiDocumentor.
Copyright 2012, Marc Busqué Pérez, under GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE marc@lamarciana.com - http://www.lamarciana.com