MinorORM is an ORM framework for TypeScript. It offers you several levels of Database communication:
- Typesafe Table View approach
- Typesafe Query Builder
- Simple SQL query execution
Minor ORM is highly influenced by Exposed and Jetbrains development methodology
- PostgreSQL
In Progress
npm install @lambda-team/ltdl
yarn add @lambda-team/ltdl
bower install @lambda-team/ltdl
import { DbConnector } from "@lambda-team/ltdl";
// connect via postgresql connection url
const db = await new DbConnector()
// or by params
const db = await new DbConnector()
host: '',
port: 5432,
user: 'user',
password: 'password',
db: 'optional_db_name'
class UsersTable extends AbstractTable<UsersTable> {
public id = this.int("id").primaryKey().autoIncrement();
public name = this.varchar("name", { size: 512 });
public email = this.varchar("email", { size: 512 }).unique();
public tableName(): string {
return "users";
// lets create your first SQL migration to create initial schema
// > npx minor migrate
const migrator = new Migrator(db);
await migrator.runMigrations('./minor_orm/migrations')
// That's it!! No metaprogramming, no black magic, everything's imperative
Returned entity is of type ExtractModel which does have a set of typed fields
const email = 'email@example.com'
const name = 'Full Name'
// returns inserted user
const user = await table.insert({ email, name }).first()
For more complex filtering - see advanced querying
const email = 'email@example.com'
const allUsers = await table.select().all()
const firstUser = await table.select().first()
const userWithEmail = await table.select(eq(table.email, email)).first()
// If you need to declare type explicitely
type User = ExtractModel<UsersTable>
const user: User = await table.select().first()
// Works perfectly!
class ItemsTable extends AbstractTable<ItemsTable>{
id = this.int("id").primaryKey().autoIncrement();
name = this.varchar("name");
// many to one relation
ownerId = this.int("owner_id").foreignKey(UsersTable, (t) => t.id);
const query = usersTable.select().leftJoin(
(ut) => ut.id, // user id
(it) => it.ownerId // item owner id
const result = (await query.execute()).map((user, item) => {
return { user, item };
// result would be
user: { id: 10, ... },
item: { id: 1, ... }
user: { id: 10, ... },
item: { id: 2, ... }
user: { id: 10, ... },
item: { id: 3, ... }
user: { id: 11, ... },
item: { id: 4, ... }
user: { id: 11, ... },
item: { id: 5, ... }