A Metabase driver for Datomic.
Commercial support is provided by Gaiwan.
docker run -p 3000:3000 lambdaisland/metabase-datomic
See the Architecture Decision Log
To get a REPL based workflow, do a git clone of both metabase
, such that they are in sibling directories
$ git clone git@github.com:metabase/metabase.git
$ git clone git@github.com:plexus/metabase-datomic.git
$ tree -L 1
├── metabase
└── metabase-datomic
Before you can use Metabase you need to build the frontend. This step you only need to do once.
cd metabase
yarn build
And install metabase locally
lein install
Now cd
into the metabase-datomic
directory, and run bin/start_metabase
lauch the process including nREPL running on port 4444.
cd metabase-datomic
Now you can connect from Emacs/CIDER to port 4444, or use the
script to automatically connect, and to associate the REPL
session with both projects, so you can easily evaluate code in either, and
navigate back and forth.
Once you have a REPL you can start the web app. This also opens a browser at
user=> (go)
The first time it will ask you to create a user and do some other initial setup.
To skip this step, invoke setup!
. This will create a user with username
and password dev
. It will also create a Datomic database
with URL datomic:free://localhost:4334/mbrainz
. You are encouraged to run a
datomic-free transactor, and
import the MusicBrainz
database for testing.
user=> (setup!)
The general process is to build an uberjar, and copy the result into
your Metabase plugins/
directory. You can build a jar based on
datomic-free, or datomic-pro (assuming you have a license). Metabase
must be available as a local JAR.
cd metabase
lein install
mkdir plugins
cd ../metabase-datomic
lein with-profiles +datomic-free uberjar
# lein with-profiles +datomic-pro uberjar
cp target/uberjar/datomic.metabase-driver.jar ../metabase/plugins
Now you can start Metabase, and start adding Datomic databases
cd ../metabase
lein run -m metabase.core
When you configure a Datomic Database in Metabase you will notice a config field called "Configuration EDN". Here you can paste a snippet of EDN which will influence some of the Driver's behavior.
The EDN needs to represent a Clojure map. These keys are currently understood
Other keys are ignored.
Datomic does not have tables, but nevertheless the driver will map your data to Metabase tables based on the attribute names in your schema. To limit results to the right entities it needs to do a check to see if a certain entity logically belongs to such a table.
By default these look like this
[(or [?eid :user/name]
[?eid :user/password]
[?eid :user/roles])]
In other words we look for entities that have any attribute starting with the given prefix. This can be both suboptimal (there might be a single attribute with an index that is faster to check), and it may be wrong, depending on your setup.
So we allow configuring this clause per table. The configured value should be a
vector of datomic clauses. You have the full power of datalog available. Use the
special symbol ?eid
for the entity that is being filtered.
{:inclusion-clauses {"user" [[?eid :user/handle]]}}
The datomic.api/filter
function allows you to get a filtered view of the
database. A common use case is to select datoms based on metadata added to
transaction entities.
You can set :tx-filter
to any form that evaluates to a Clojure function. Make
sure any namespaces like datomic.api
are fully qualified.
(fn [db ^datomic.Datom datom]
(let [tx-user (get-in (datomic.api/entity db (.tx datom)) [:tx/user :db/id])]
(or (nil? tx-tenant) (= 17592186046521 tx-user))))}
This allows you to configure Datomic rules. These then become available in the
native query editor, as well in :inclusion-clauses
and :relationships
[[(sub-accounts ?p ?c)
[?p :account/children ?c]]
[(sub-accounts ?p ?d)
[?p :account/children ?c]
(sub-accounts ?c ?d)]]}
This features allows you to add "synthetic foreign keys" to tables. These are
fields that Metabase will consider to be foreign keys, but in reality they are
backed by an arbitrary lookup path in Datomic. This can include reverse
reference (:foo/_bar
) and rules.
To set up an extra relationship you start from the table where you want to add the relationship, then give it a name, give the path of attributes and rules needed to get to the other entity, and specifiy which table the resulting entity belongs to.
{;; foreign keys added to the account table
{:path [:journal-entry-line/_account]
:target :journal-entry-line}
{:path [sub-accounts]
:target :account}
{:path [_sub-accounts] ;; apply a rule in reverse
:target :account}}
;; foreign keys added to the journal-entry-line table
{:path [:journal-entry/_journal-entry-lines
:target :fiscal-year}}}}
Feature | Supported? |
Basics | |
{:source-table integer-literal} | Yes |
{:fields [& field]} | Yes |
[:field-id field-id] | Yes |
[:datetime-field local-field | fk unit] | Yes |
{:breakout [& concrete-field]} | Yes |
[:field-id field-id] | Yes |
[:aggregation 0] | Yes |
[:datetime-field local-field | fk unit] | Yes |
{:filter filter-clause} | |
[:and & filter-clause] | Yes |
[:or & filter-clause] | Yes |
[:not filter-clause] | Yes |
[:= concrete-field value & value] | Yes |
[:!= concrete-field value & value] | Yes |
[:< concrete-field orderable-value] | Yes |
[:> concrete-field orderable-value] | Yes |
[:<= concrete-field orderable-value] | Yes |
[:>= concrete-field orderable-value] | Yes |
[:is-null concrete-field] | Yes |
[:not-null concrete-field] | Yes |
[:between concrete-field min orderable-value max orderable-value] | Yes |
[:inside lat concrete-field lon concrete-field lat-max numeric-literal lon-min numeric-literal lat-min numeric-literal lon-max numeric-literal] | Yes |
[:starts-with concrete-field string-literal] | Yes |
[:contains concrete-field string-literal] | Yes |
[:does-not-contain concrete-field string-literal] | Yes |
[:ends-with concrete-field string-literal] | Yes |
[:time-interval field concrete-field n :current|:last|:next|integer-literal unit relative-datetime-unit] | |
{:limit integer-literal} | Yes |
{:order-by [& order-by-clause]} | Yes |
:basic-aggregations | |
{:aggregation aggregation-clause} | |
[:count] | Yes |
[:count concrete-field] | Yes |
[:cum-count concrete-field] | Yes |
[:cum-sum concrete-field] | Yes |
[:distinct concrete-field] | Yes |
[:sum concrete-field] | Yes |
[:min concrete-field] | Yes |
[:max concrete-field] | Yes |
[:share filter-clause] | |
:standard-deviation-aggregations | Yes |
{:aggregation aggregation-clause} | Yes |
[:stddev concrete-field] | Yes |
:foreign-keys | Yes |
{:fields [& field]} | Yes |
[:fk-> fk-field-id dest-field-id] | Yes |
:nested-fields | |
:set-timezone | |
:expressions | |
{:fields [& field]} | |
[:expression] | |
{:breakout [& concrete-field]} | |
[:expression] | |
{:expressions {expression-name expression}} | |
:native-parameters | |
:expression-aggregations | |
:nested-queries | Yes |
{:source-query query} | Yes |
:binning | |
:case-sensitivity-string-filter-options | Yes |
Copyright © 2019 Arne Brasseur
Licensed under the term of the Mozilla Public License 2.0, see LICENSE.