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Releases: lance-waller-lab/envi


23 Jan 14:37
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  • Fixed bug in calculation of False Discovery Rate in internal pval_correct() function
  • Fixed test for plot_perturb() function that was presenting a warning by specifying cref0
  • Argument plot_cols correctly renamed cols in div_plot() and seq_plot() functions
  • Fixed 'Moved Permanently' content by replacing the old URL with the new URL


02 Feb 00:48
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  • Migrated R-spatial dependencies
  • Replaced raster, rgeos, and sp packages in Imports with terra and sf because of imminent package retirements
  • Removed maptools from Suggests (replaced with new internal function
  • Thank you, Roger Bivand, for the notice. Relates to ndi Issue #3
  • Note: raster is a dependency of RStoolbox (at present) which is used in the vignette
  • Updated test, examples, vignette, and documentation throughout
  • Added GitHub R-CMD-check
  • Updated citation style for CITATION file
  • Fixed broken link in CITATION


30 Aug 15:52
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  • Updated package URL and BugReports to renamed GitHub account "lance-waller-lab" (previously "Waller-SUSAN")
  • Replaced methods::is() with inherits() and methods is no longer Imports
  • Added maptools and RStoolbox to Suggests (used in the package vignette)
  • Added CITATION file
  • Fixed typos in documentation throughout
  • Added future::plan(future::multisession) in tests to remove the files in temp directory
  • Added links to sparr package in 'package.R'


24 Mar 13:54
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  • In the div_plot() and seq_plot() internal functions, replaced if (class(input) == "im") with if (methods::is(input, "im"))
  • Added methods package to Imports
  • Re-added utils package to Suggests because "zzz.R" calls the packageDescription() function
  • Moved spatstat.random package from Imports to Suggests because the rpoispp() function is only used for tests
  • Fixed bug in perlrren() function that will now keep the predicted values even if NA
  • Fixed bug in plot_perturb() function that will now project rasters using method = "bilinear" for continuous values
  • Streamlined "test-perlrren.R" by removing duplicate tests for "incorrectly specified n_sim"
  • Fixed bug in "test-plot_cv.R" by resetting the graphics within an error check to clear a warning between tests


08 Feb 16:54
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  • Updated dependencies spatstat.core and spatstat.linnet packages based on feedback from the Spatstat Team (Adrian Baddeley and Ege Rubak). All random generators in spatstat.core were moved to a new package spatstat.random
    • spatstat.geom, spatstat.core, spatstat.linnet, and spatstat (>=2.0-0) are no longer Depends.
    • spatstat.geom and spatstat.random are now Imports
    • is now Suggests.
    • See the GitHub merge pull request.
  • maptools is no longer Imports
  • Fixed annotation typos in the perlrren(), pval_correct(), lrren() functions
  • Fixed bug in plot_cv() function that will specify the size of the confidence interval in the subtitle based on the chosen alpha level

Adding Zenodo DOI

31 Aug 16:15
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Prepare for CRAN v0.1.10 release

* Addressed ERROR on R-devel CRAN environments by setting `parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy = sequential` for all CRAN tests as suggested by the maintainer for the `future` and `parallelly` packages who is actively working on a solution <>

CRAN v0.1.10

03 Aug 22:54
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  • Addressed ERROR on R-devel CRAN environments by setting parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy = sequential for all CRAN tests as suggested by the maintainer for the future and parallelly packages who is actively working on a solution futureverse/parallelly#65

CRAN v0.1.9

02 Aug 16:25
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  • Removed LazyData: true from 'DESCRIPTION' file because the package has no data accessed via a data() command and has no data/ directory (in response to CRAN NOTE: 'LazyData' is specified without a 'data' directory)
    • Following advice from future package maintainer, now spatial_power() and jitter_power() functions reset future strategy when exiting
    • Addressed ERROR in MacOS environments on rhub by setting the parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy = sequential for MacOS environments running tcltk until parallelly (>=1.26.1-9002) is on CRAN. This workaround was suggested by the parallelly maintainer futureverse/parallelly#62 (comment)


16 Mar 03:21
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  • Updated spatstat package to new subsetted packages based on feedback from the Spatstat Team (Adrian Baddeley and Ege Rubak). Now spatstat.geom, spatstat.core, spatstat.linnet, and spatstat (>= 2.0-0) are in Depends
  • Replaced parallel and doParallel packages in Imports with doFuture, doRNG, and future packages to allow for parallel processing in lrren() and perlrren() functions to work across all CRAN environments
  • Removed utils package from Imports because the progress bar in lrren() and perlrren() functions is now produced with a helper function in utils.R that imports the iterators package
  • Set default for n_core argument in lrren() and perlrren() to be n_core = 2 to match documentation
  • Fixed bug in pval_correct() when p_correct = "FDR" that will return the minimum p-value instead of NULL if no p-value is less than the p-critical value
  • Updated cref0 and cref1 arguments in plot_predict() and plot_perturb() functions for PROJ6. Now calls sp::CRS() function within the raster::projectRaster() function and reformats the default argument values
  • Updated testthat checks for parallelization in lrren() and perlrren() functions and testthat checks for PROJ6 updates in plot_predict() and plot_perturb() functions


02 Feb 14:41
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Updated 'spatstat' package to new subsetted packages based on feedback from the Spatstat Team (Adrian Baddeley and Ege Rubak). 'spatstat.geom' and spatstat.core' packages replace 'spatstat' package in Imports

Added p_correct argument to lrren() and perlrren() which calls a new, internal function pval_correct() that calculates three types of corrections for multiple testing (FDR, Sidak, Bonferroni)

Removed a cv output for pval surface in lrren() that is not used in plot_cv()