This example demonstrates OpenWrt SELinux policy customization and
testing. If you intent to deploy your own customized version of
to your device, or if you intent to help improve the
models provided by OpenWrt then you should
familiarize yourself with this procedure.
This example uses Fedora 34 GNU/Linux for image building and there is
atleast twenty Gigabytes of storage available on the build system.
The policy will be deployed and tested on a Linksys WRT1900ACS
wireless router. In addition to the above we have access to a Git
repository that can be accessed with the https://
protocol. This can
be a private Git repository or a public service such as GitLab or
The purpose of this exercise is to help familiarize potential contributors with the procedure of SELinux policy development for OpenWrt. OpenWrt can be configured and assembled in many way's and the more scenario's are tested and supported the better. Please see Wish List for a list of known configurations that are not yet currently addressed and that need attention. Also see Feedback Checklist for a list of requested information -and instructions to gather this information- to determine and test whether the policy configuration is accurate and comprehensive.
In this example we're going to start by assembling OpenWrt SELinux
policy. By default OpenWrt provides a generic policy with the aim to
include support for all known functionality. The goal of this default
policy is to cover as many aspects of OpenWrt as possible and to make
it "just" work by default on as many devices and device configurations
as possible. The downside of this default policy is that because it
is generic it is also inefficient as the policy might include rules
for components and functionalitty that you may not have installed or
use and thereby it may require more space than strictly needed and add
overhead. In the ideal situation you would pick and choose a selection
of modules appropriate for your target device. The goal is to
eventually make assembling OpenWrt SELinux policy from available
modules as easy as assembling OpenWrt images with Image Builder
Once we have assembled and deployed OpenWrt SELinux policy appropriate
to our target device, were going to work on extending functionality.
In this example were going to add policy for a simple hello world
shell script. Once tested, we're going to build an image with our
policy enclosed and deploy that to our target device. When everything
works you could consider submitting a patch with your changes to
OpenWrt so that all interested parties can benefit from your work.
We're going start by creating an OpenWrt Image Builder
(IB) archive
that can be used to assemble OpenWrt factory and sysupgrade images
with SELinux support. We have to ensure that we have the build
dependencies installed on our build system. We also need secilc
so that we can compile SELinux policy written in "CIL".
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ sudo dnf install gcc-c++ git make bc make patch wget unzip tar bzip2 gettext ncurses-devel perl-FindBin perl-Data-Dumper perl-Thread-Queue perl-base findutils which diffutils file perl-File-Copy openssl-devel flex libxslt intltool zlib-devel rsync secilc
Now that we have the build requirements taken care of we can get the sources for OpenWrt. We'll clone OpenWrt from its mirror on Github.
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ git clone https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt.git
We'll update and "install" all available feeds.
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ ./openwrt/scripts/feeds update -a
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ ./openwrt/scripts/feeds install -a
We have to create an OpenWrt Image builder
archive that is
(somewhat) tailored to our requirements. It has to have support for
SELinux and for our Linksys WRT1900ACS target.
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ cd ~/openwrt
[kcinimod@brutus openwrt]$ make -j$((`nproc` + 1)) menuconfig
After a short while a menu appears. We will address our Linksys WRT1900ACS target first. The first three entries in the menu are used for this.
Target System (Marvell EBU Armada) --->
Subtarget (Marvell Armada 37x/38x/XP) --->
Target Profile (Linksys WRT1900ACS v1) --->
Select the "Build OpenWrt Image Builder" option from the menu.
[*] Build the OpenWrt Image Builder
Now we'll enable SELinux in the "Global Build Settings" submenu.
Global build settings --->
[*] Enable SELinux (NEW)
Save the configuration first and then exit the menu using the menu on the bottom of the screen.
<Select> < Exit > < Help > < Save > < Load >
Now were ready to build OpenWrt and its Image Builder
. This will
take some time.
[kcinimod@brutus openwrt]$ make -j$((`nproc` + 1))
The procedure above will create various images with normal SELinux
support and the default SELinux selinux-policy
model in addition to
an SELinux enabled Image Builder
. In this example we will do a
clean factory install using the created
factory image to test and ensure that the defaults work. The procedure
of doing a factory install is documented elsewhere but:
- My active ethernet network interface with static IP address
is connected to my WRT1900ACS device. - I browsed to the stock Linksys WRT1900ACS web interface at address
- The interface provides an option to manually flash the device with a
specified image, I pointed it to the built
factory image and confirmed multiple times that I want to flash the device using this image. - The device rebooted and I used
ssh root@
to log into the device. - Then I followed the Feedback Checklist to see if all is well. Any anomalies should be reported so that they can be investigated and addressed.
There is a good chance that the selinux-policy
enclosed is slightly
outdated and there may have been changes to upstream since. If you
want to contribute policy then it is probably best to build on top of
upstream. Generally you probably want to use the default policy with
all modules so that you can have a good idea of whether and how things
work in the default scenario.
For the sake of example we will however exclude an optional module
that is not depended on by any other modules just to give you an
example of how you would currently go about assembling and building
the selinux-policy
with custom module selection. Picking and
choosing modules to install can be tricky as modules may have
dependencies on other modules. It is advised that you test locally
whether all dependencies of your selection of modules can be resolved.
Depending on how integrated the component you want to target is it is wise if you set the default mode to "permissive" during the development phase. Eventhough that does not apply to this example we will default to permissive mode for now for the sake of making a good example.
At this point youre essentially forking the policy. Publish your
forked Git repository and ensure that the forked Git repository is
accessible with the https://
protocol. You can for example use
GitLab or Github for this but we'll use Github in this example.
- Create a new
empty repository on Github.
I created an new empty doverride/selinux-policy-myfork.git
repository on Github. I will clone this and then I will also clone
the upstream selinux-policy
, simply consolidate the two, and push
to Github.
[kcinimod@brutus openwrt]$ cd ~
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ git clone git@github.com:doverride/selinux-policy-myfork.git
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ git clone https://git.defensec.nl/selinux-policy.git
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ rm -rf selinux-policy/.git
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ cp -r selinux-policy-myfork/.git selinux-policy/.git
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ rm -rf selinux-policy-myfork
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ mv selinux-policy selinux-policy-myfork
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ cd selinux-policy-myfork
[kcinimod@brutus selinux-policy-myfork (master #)]$ git init .
[kcinimod@brutus selinux-policy-myfork (master #)]$ git add .
[kcinimod@brutus selinux-policy-myfork (master +)]$ git commit -am 'initial commit'
[kcinimod@brutus selinux-policy-myfork (master)]$ git push
One of our goals has been achieved namely that of forking the OpenWrt
straight from upstream so that we are working with
up-to-date policy. We would like to build the whole policy minus the
module. To that end we will add a target to
that can be used to achieve the
desired effect. Before pushing the result to Github we will ensure
that the policy builds. Open ~/selinux-policy-myfork/Makefile
make the following changes.
Add a "myfork" target - Change this line ...:
.PHONY: all clean minimal policy check install
.PHONY: all clean minimal myfork policy check install
Define which modules to enclose - Insert just above this line ...:
polvers = 31
...The following:
modulesmyfork = $(shell find src -type f -name '*.cil' \
! -name sandbox.cil -printf '%p ')
Define the "myfork" target - Insert just above this line ...:
policy: policy.$(polvers)
...The following:
myfork: myfork.$(polvers)
myfork.%: $(modulesmyfork)
secilc -vvv --policyvers=$* $^
See if it builds:
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ cd ~/selinux-policy-myfork
[kcinimod@brutus selinux-policy-myfork]$ make myfork
[kcinimod@brutus selinux-policy-myfork]$ echo $?
If the built failed then look carefully at the compiler output as it will report any dependency issues that you can then resolve and try again. if the built succeeded then commit the result and push it to Github.
[kcinimod@brutus selinux-policy-myfork (master *=)]$ git commit -am "adds myfork target to makefile"
[kcinimod@brutus selinux-policy-myfork (master>)]$ git push
Now we should package the policy so that it can be enclosed with a
factory and sysupgrade image using our Image Builder
For this we
have to create a package manifest and it so happens that our
repository has a template for this at
that can be used as a reference.
Create a local feeds directory (example ~/mypackages).
[kcinimod@brutus selinux-policy-myfork]$ cd ~
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ mkdir mypackages
Copy ~/selinux-policy-myfork/support/selinux-policy-XXXX
to the
local feeds ~/mypackages
directory and rename it to
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ cp -r selinux-policy-myfork/support/selinux-policy-XXXX mypackages/selinux-policy-myfork
Replace PKG_NAME
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ sed -i 's/PKG_NAME:=selinux-policy-XXXX/PKG_NAME:=selinux-policy-myfork/' mypackages/selinux-policy-myfork/Makefile
(point to your repository https://
as this is where the source will be retrieved from).
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ sed -i 's#PKG_SOURCE_URL:=https://XXXX/selinux-policy-XXXX.git#PKG_SOURCE_URL:=https://github.com/doverride/selinux-policy-myfork.git#' mypackages/selinux-policy-myfork/Makefile
(use the current date or the date of the last commit).
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ sed -i 's/PKG_SOURCE_DATE:=XXXX-XX-XX/PKG_SOURCE_DATE:=2020-10-19/' mypackages/selinux-policy-myfork/Makefile
(use the commit ID of your latest commit).
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ sed -i 's/PKG_SOURCE_VERSION:=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/PKG_SOURCE_VERSION:=4b8d8c06c5f1dc8641b2b08b44d7fde955e2b9db/' mypackages/selinux-policy-myfork/Makefile
(we'll skip this during development).
(use your name and e-mail address).
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ sed -i 's/PKG_MAINTAINER:=XXXX <XXXX@XXXX>/PKG_MAINTAINER:=Dominick Grift <dominick.grift@defensec.nl>/' mypackages/selinux-policy-myfork/Makefile
Replace PKG_CPE_ID
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ sed -i 's#PKG_CPE_ID:=cpe:/a:XXXX:selinux-policy-XXXX#PKG_CPE_ID:=cpe:/a:myfork:selinux-policy-myfork#' mypackages/selinux-policy-myfork/Makefile
Replace define/Package
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ sed -i 's#define Package/selinux-policy-XXXX#define Package/selinux-policy-myfork#' mypackages/selinux-policy-myfork/Makefile
Replace TITLE
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ sed -i 's/TITLE:=XXXX SELinux policy for OpenWrt/TITLE:=Myfork SELinux policy for OpenWrt/' mypackages/selinux-policy-myfork/Makefile
Replace URL
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ sed -i 's#URL:=https://XXXX/#URL:=https://whatever/#' mypackages/selinux-policy-myfork/Makefile
Replace define/Package/description
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ sed -i 's/XXXX SELinux security policy designed specifically for OpenWrt/Myfork SELinux security policy designed specifically for OpenWrt/' mypackages/selinux-policy-myfork/Makefile
Replace Build/Compile/Default
(we'll use our new "myfork" target).
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ sed -i 's#$(call Build/Compile/Default,policy)#$(call Build/Compile/Default,myfork)#' mypackages/selinux-policy-myfork/Makefile
Replace the final occurance of selinux-policy-XXXX
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ sed -i 's/selinux-policy-XXXX/selinux-policy-myfork/' mypackages/selinux-policy-myfork/Makefile
Change the "mode from config" to permissive
and change the policy
model to selinux-policy-myfork
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ sed -i 's/SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=permissive/' mypackages/selinux-policy-myfork/files/selinux-config
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ sed -i 's/SELINUXTYPE=.*/SELINUXTYPE=selinux-policy-myfork/' mypackages/selinux-policy-myfork/files/selinux-config
Add/update the "mypackages" custom feed and selinux-policy-myfork
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ echo "src-link custom ${HOME}/mypackages" >> openwrt/feeds.conf.default
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ ./openwrt/scripts/feeds update custom
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ ./openwrt/scripts/feeds install selinux-policy-myfork
We have to run menuconfig
again to select selinux-policy-myfork
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ cd ~/openwrt
[kcinimod@brutus openwrt]$ make -j$((`nproc` + 1)) menuconfig
Now we'll enable selinux-policy-myfork
from the "Base system"
Base system --->
<*> selinux-policy-myfork.................. Myfork SELinux policy for OpenWrt
Save the configuration first and then exit the menu using the menu on the bottom of the screen.
<Select> < Exit > < Help > < Save > < Load >
Create the ipk
[kcinimod@brutus openwrt]$ make package/selinux-policy-myfork/compile
If the operation succeeds then the ipk
package can be found in
[kcinimod@brutus openwrt]$ ls ~/openwrt/bin/packages/*/custom/*.ipk
We'll extract the Image Builder
archive first.
[kcinimod@brutus openwrt]$ cd ~
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ mv ~/openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/openwrt-imagebuilder*.tar.xz ~
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ tar xf openwrt-imagebuilder*.tar.xz
Now that we have a package we can enclose it with our images using
Image Builder
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ cd openwrt-imagebuilder*-x86_64
[kcinimod@brutus openwrt-imagebuilder-mvebu-cortexa9.Linux-x86_64]$ make image PACKAGES="/home/kcinimod/openwrt/bin/packages/arm_cortex-a9_vfpv3-d16/custom/selinux-policy-myfork_2020-10-19-4b8d8c06_all.ipk"
This should yield factory and sysupgrade images that can be deployed
[kcinimod@brutus openwrt-imagebuilder-mvebu-cortexa9.Linux-x86_64]$ ls bin/targets/*/*
We should now be able to secure copy the
image to the device with the scp
command provided that the router
is reachable on the network, and perform the upgrade.
[kcinimod@brutus openwrt-imagebuilder-mvebu-cortexa9.Linux-x86_64]$ cd ~
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ scp /home/kcinimod/openwrt-imagebuilder-mvebu-cortexa9.Linux-x86_64/bin/targets/mvebu/cortexa9/openwrt-mvebu-cortexa9-linksys_wrt1900acs-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin root@
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ ssh root@
root@OpenWrt:~# sysupgrade -F -n -v /tmp/*.bin
Give it a moment to reboot and log back into the device. Verify that your policy model is used and, again, follow the Feedback Checklist to see if all works well and if it does not then fix and/or report any issues.
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ ssh root@
root@OpenWrt:~# sestatus
SELinux status: enabled
SELinuxfs mount: /sys/fs/selinux
Current mode: permissive
Mode from config file: permissive
Policy version: 31
Policy from config file: selinux-policy-myfork
The next step will be to extent the policy by targeting a simple
shell script. I will not get into the details of
writing SELinux policy in this exercise. The policy is written in
Common Intermediate Language
and I am working on documentation that should help you find your way
but if you need assistance or have any questions related to OpenWrt
selinux-policy and SELinux policy/CIL in general then I can be reached
on the chat.freenode.net
IRC network in the #openwrt-devel
channels under the "grift" IRC nickname.
We will be creating a simple script: /root/helloworld
that simply
prints the output of echo "Hello from: $(id -Z)"
to the terminal and
exits. Then we will develop a policy for this script at runtime and
test the result "on-device". Once the policy has been verified to work
we will be deploying a sysupgrade image with the customization enclosed
and we will change the default mode back to enforcing. This simple
example will hopefully be informative enough to get you started. We
hope that you will use this knowledge to help improve the policy so
that everyone can benefit.
root@OpenWrt:~# printf '#!/bin/sh\n echo "hello from: $(id -Z)\n"' > /root/helloworld
root@OpenWrt:~# chmod +x /root/helloworld
root@OpenWrt:~# /root/helloworld
hello from: u:r:sys.subj
root@OpenWrt:~# exit
The script works but the output of the script indicates that it
currently operates with the "unconfined" u:r:sys.subj
context. We
would like the script to be contained and we would like to apply the
principle of least privilege to this process.
We can write a basic skeleton policy for this script off-device using
our cloned selinux-policy-myfork
repository, then build test that and
secure copy the compiled policy.31
file along with the updated
file to the device. Then we can run the load_policy
command to reload the updated policy into the system and use that
procedure to test and refine the policy until it works.
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ cd selinux-policy-myfork
[kcinimod@brutus selinux-policy-myfork]$ cat > src/agent/helloworld.cil <<EOF
(block helloworld ;; declare a new container
(blockinherit .agent.base_template) ;; this will declare types for both the process and executable file and associate some basic rules with them
(filecon "/root/helloworld" file execfile_file_context)) ;; this will associate the file context with /root/helloworld and close container
(in .sys (call .helloworld.subj_type_transition (subj))) ;; this macro was made available when we inherited the agent.base_template inside the helloworld container
;; it will cause selinux to automatically transition the context of any process associated with u:r:sys.subj to u:r:helloworld.subj when files with the u:r:helloworld.execfile context are executed
[kcinimod@brutus selinux-policy-myfork]$ make myfork
The compiled policy.31
result and file_contexts
file found
in ~/selinux-policy-myfork
can be copied over to the router with the
command. The customized policy can be loaded with load_policy
and the file context for /root/helloworld
can be applied with
[kcinimod@brutus selinux-policy-myfork]$ scp policy.31 root@
[kcinimod@brutus selinux-policy-myfork]$ scp file_contexts root@
[kcinimod@brutus selinux-policy-myfork[$ ssh root@
root@OpenWrt:~# load_policy
root@OpenWrt:~# restorecon -v /root/helloworld
Now it is time to test but before we do we will clear the kernel
ring buffer so that we do not get confused by any avc denials
triggered by us copying the policy.31
and file_contexts
files over,
because SELinux would not have permitted these operations if it were
enforcing the policy.
Another thing to be aware of is that SELinux will cache access vectors and events that occur in permissive mode will only be printed once to avoid flooding of the logs. If you want to force this cache to be flushed you can toggle the mode from permissive to enforcing and then back from enforcing to permissive.
root@OpenWrt:~# dmesg -c
root@OpenWrt:~# setenforce 1 && setenforce 0
root@OpenWrt:~# /root/helloworld
hello from: u:r:helloworld.subj
The test concluded that the specified domain transition from
to u:r:helloworld.subj
took place and since were still
operating in the permissive development mode we can use the dmesg
command to see what permissions would have been denied if we would
instead have been operating in enforcing mode. These avc denials can
be interpretted and translated to policy that we can append, and then
test. Eventually no new avc denials should be printed to dmesg
indicating that the process has all the permissions it needs to
root@OpenWrt:~# dmesg | grep -i denied
root@OpenWrt:~# exit
We will now append some of the rules we were able to identify from
the output of the dmesg | grep -i denied
command. Some of these
might not be very obvious to you at this point. Suffice to say that
rules can and often are grouped for common patterns and with a little
experience you learn to recognise certain patterns and you learn
to correlate that to provided macros and templates used to address
There is another gotcha you should be aware of. There are rules
present in the policy that instruct SELinux to "silently" block
specified events. This functionality can be useful if you want to
block some access on purpose without SELinux printing avc denials.
However sometimes these events might actually be needed. The
compiler allows you to compile the policy with these
rules removed via the -D
and --disable-dontaudit
options but thats out of scope for this exercise and for now
suffice to say that "helloworld" wants to operate on the terminal as
it needs to print the output to the terminal but the policy has rules
that tell SELinux to silently block this access.
[kcinimod@brutus selinux-policy-myfork]$ cat >> src/agent/helloworld.cil <<EOF
(in .helloworld ;; insert into existing helloworld container
(call .shell.execute_execfile_files (subj)) ;; executes /bin/sh which leads to busybox shell
(call .selinux.linked.subj_type (subj)) ;; busybox links with libselinux which needs some access to determine selinux state
(call .sys.readwriteinherited_ptydev_chr_files (subj)) ;; operate on pty, this was silently blocked
(call .dev.readwriteinherited_ttydev_chr_files (subj))) ;; operate on tty. this was silently blocked
;; close helloworld container
[kcinimod@brutus selinux-policy-myfork]$ make myfork
Same procedure as before, copy over the policy.31
files, reload policy, clear the ring buffer, flush
cache, retry and check dmesg
[kcinimod@brutus selinux-policy-myfork]$ scp policy.31 root@
[kcinimod@brutus selinux-policy-myfork]$ scp file_contexts root@
[kcinimod@brutus selinux-policy-myfork[$ ssh root@
root@OpenWrt:~# load_policy
root@OpenWrt:~# dmesg -c
root@OpenWrt:~# setenforce 1 && setenforce 0
root@OpenWrt:~# /root/helloworld
hello from: u:r:helloworld.subj
root@OpenWrt:~# dmesg | grep -i denied
The above dmesg
command prints one more avc denial in permissive
mode, lets try this in enforcing mode.
root@OpenWrt:~# dmesg -c
root@OpenWrt:~# setenforce 1
root@OpenWrt:~# /root/helloworld
hello from: u:r:helloworld.subj
root@OpenWrt:~# dmesg | grep -i denied
root@OpenWrt:~# exit
It works in enforcing mode. We can just add that last rule and then
push the policy to Github, and use that to build a new ipk
and then create a new sysupgrade image with our new policy using the
Image Builder
[kcinimod@brutus selinux-policy-myfork]$ cat >> src/agent/helloworld.cil <<EOF
(in .helloworld ;; insert into existing helloworld container
(call .tmpfile.search_runtimetmpfile_dirs (subj))) ;; busybox traverses /tmp/run for some reason
;; close helloworld container
[kcinimod@brutus selinux-policy-myfork]$ make myfork
[kcinimod@brutus selinux-policy-myfork]$ git add .
[kcinimod@brutus selinux-policy-myfork]$ git commit -am "adds helloworld example"
[kcinimod@brutus selinux-policy-myfork]$ git push
We have to adjust two things:
- The
"PKG_SOURCE_VERSION" has to be updated to point to the new latest Git commit ID - The
has to be updated to change the mode from permissive to enforcing.
(use the commit ID of your latest commit).
[kcinimod@brutus selinux-policy-myfork]$ cd ~
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ sed -i 's/PKG_SOURCE_VERSION:=4b8d8c06c5f1dc8641b2b08b44d7fde955e2b9db/PKG_SOURCE_VERSION:=c5e28890e61bed077477bcc526b8fb6639728c93/' mypackages/selinux-policy-myfork/Makefile
Change the "mode from config" to enforcing
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ sed -i 's/SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=enforcing/' mypackages/selinux-policy-myfork/files/selinux-config
Create the updated ipk
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ cd openwrt
[kcinimod@brutus openwrt]$ make package/selinux-policy-myfork/compile
If the operation succeeds then the ipk
package can be found in
[kcinimod@brutus openwrt]$ ls ~/openwrt/bin/packages/*/custom/*.ipk
Now that we have an updated ipk
package we can enclose it with our
images using Image Builder
[kcinimod@brutus openwrt]$ cd ~/openwrt-imagebuilder*-x86_64
[kcinimod@brutus openwrt-imagebuilder-mvebu-cortexa9.Linux-x86_64]$ make image PACKAGES="/home/kcinimod/openwrt/bin/packages/arm_cortex-a9_vfpv3-d16/custom/selinux-policy-myfork_2020-10-19-c5e28890_all.ipk"
This should yield factory and sysupgrade images that can be deployed.
[kcinimod@brutus openwrt-imagebuilder-mvebu-cortexa9.Linux-x86_64]$ ls bin/targets/*/*
We should now be able to secure copy the
image to the device with the scp
command provided that the router
is reachable on the network, and perform the upgrade.
[kcinimod@brutus openwrt-imagebuilder-mvebu-cortexa9.Linux-x86_64]$ cd ~
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ scp /home/kcinimod/openwrt-imagebuilder-mvebu-cortexa9.Linux-x86_64/bin/targets/mvebu/cortexa9/openwrt-mvebu-cortexa9-linksys_wrt1900acs-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin root@
[kcinimod@brutus ~]$ ssh root@
root@OpenWrt:~# sysupgrade -F -n -v /tmp/*.bin
This wraps the exercise up. These were the broad outlines. To be able to contribute your work back your policy would have to adhere to some style rules. I suggest that you take a closer look at the existing policy to find patterns and clues. See if you can find a module that closely resembles yours and then compare and contrast the two to find way's to improve your module. If you need help, feel free to ask.
You can find the repository that I used for this example at Github