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MatterControl is an open-source program designed to control and enhance the desktop 3D printing experience. It's designed to help you get the most out of your 3D printer - making it easy to track, preview, and print your 3D parts. Development of MatterControl is sponsored by MatterHackers and it's partners.
- Integrated slicing engine MatterSlice
- Library for managing your STL files
- Built in profiles for a plethora of different printers.
- Built in editing tools along with plugins for creating text, images, and braille.
- Queue of items you are going to print, and history of items you have printed.
- 2D/3D preview of the sliced object.
- Advanced printer controls, including the ability to make adjustments while printing.
- Software based print leveling.
- Remote monitoring of your printer, along with SMS/email notifications when your print is completed.
MatterControl is written in C#. It uses the agg-sharp GUI abstraction layer. See this wiki article if you want to contribute code.
Checkout the latest source code and submodules:
git clone --recursive cd MatterControl
Install MonoDevelop and Nuget.
sudo apt-get install monodevelop nuget
Add Mono SSL Support - Copy in Mozilla Root certificates to enable NuGet and MatterControl SSL requests
mozroots --import --sync
Restore NuGet packages - On MonoDevelop 4.0 or older you can install NuGet Addin. If you are on Mint, also install libmono-cairo2.0-cil. Alternatively you can run the command line NuGet application to restore the project packages:
nuget restore MatterControl.sln
Optionally switch to a target branch
git checkout main git submodule update --init --recursive
As a single command line statement:
targetBranch=main && git checkout $targetBranch && git submodule update --init --recursive
Build MatterControl
mdtool build -c:Release MatterControl.sln
xbuild /p:Configuration=Release MatterControl.sln
Link the StaticData from your source directory to the build directory
ln -s ../../StaticData bin/Release/StaticData
After MatterControl has been built in MonoDevelop it is recommended that you run the application via command line or via a shell script to invoke mono.
mono bin/Release/MatterControl.exe
If you'd like to log errors for troubleshooting
mono bin/Release/MatterControl.exe > log.txt
If you want detailed error logging and tracing
MONO_LOG_LEVEL=debug mono bin/Release/MatterControl.exe > log.txt
In order for MatterControl to access the serial ports, you will need to give your user the appropriate permissions. On Debian based distros, add yourself to the dialout group. On Arch, add yourself the the uucp and lock groups instead.
gpasswd -a $USER dialout
Change to the SerialHelper directory
cd Submodules/agg-sharp/SerialPortCommunication/SerialHelper
Run the build script
If your receive errors you may need to install libc6-dev-i386 for x86 compilation
sudo apt-get install libc6-dev-i386
For information on using MatterControl, check the MatterControl Wiki. If you have questions or feedback, feel free to post on the MatterHackers Forums or send an email to To report a bug, file an issue on GitHub.