Steps to run the code for ITA'2018 paper below. We are using Python 3.6.
Git clone this repository
Download datasets (for both classification and regression) avaliable at and store the files in the folder datasets (for example: D:\github\5gm-beam-selection\datasets)
Go to folder regression (for example, D:\github\5gm-beam-selection\regression) and execute:
- Go to folder classification (for example, D:\github\5gm-beam-selection\classification) and execute:
For more information on creating the dataset and related tasks, see the Wiki page at
If you use any data or code, please cite: "5G MIMO Data for Machine Learning: Application to Beam-Selection using Deep Learning", Aldebaro Klautau, Pedro Batista, Nuria Gonzalez-Prelcic, Yuyang Wang and Robert W. Heath Jr., ITA'2018 (available at
Bibtex entry:
author = {Aldebaro Klautau and Pedro Batista and Nuria Gonzalez-Prelcic and Yuyang Wang and Robert W. {Heath Jr.}},
title = {{5G} {MIMO} Data for Machine Learning: Application to Beam-Selection using Deep Learning},
booktitle = {2018 Information Theory and Applications Workshop, San Diego},
pages = {1--1},
year = {2018},
url = {}