This is the official implementation of the paper "Benchmarking Visual Localization for Autonomous Navigation".
The benchmark enables easy experimentation with different visual localization methods as part of a navigation stack. The platform enables investigating how various factors such as illumination, viewpoint, and weather changes affect visual localization and subsequent navigation performance. The benchmark is based on the Carla autonomous driving simulator and our ROS2 port of the Hloc visual localization toolbox.
If you find the benchmark useful in your research, please cite our work as:
author = {Suomela, Lauri and Kalliola, Jussi and Dag, Atakan and Edelman, Harry and Kämäräinen, Joni-Kristian},
title = {Benchmarking Visual Localization for Autonomous Navigation},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)},
month = {January},
year = {2023},
pages = {2945-2955}
- Docker
- Nvidia-docker
- Nvidia GPU with minimum of 12GB memory. Recommended Nvidia RTX3090
- 70GB disk space for Docker images
The code is tested on Ubuntu 20.04 with one Nvidia RTX3090. As everything runs inside docker containers, supporting platforms other than linux should only require modifying the build and run scripts in the docker folder.
Pull the repository:
git clone
git submodule update --init --recursive
We strongly recommend running the benchmark inside the provided docker images. Build the images:
cd docker
Next, validate that the environment is correctly set up. Launch the Carla simulator:
# With GUI
In another terminal window, start the autonomous agent / scenario runner container:
cd docker
Now, inside the container terminal:
cd /opt/visual_robot_localization/src/visual_robot_localization/utils
# Run SfM with the example images included with the visual_robot_localization package.
# Visualize the resulting model
# Test that the package can localize agains the model
launch_test /opt/visual_robot_localization/src/visual_robot_localization/test/
If all functions correctly, you are good to go.
Reproduce the paper experiments
In one terminal window, launch the Carla simulator:
cd docker
# Headless
In another terminal window, launch a container which contains the autonomous agent and scenario execution logic:
cd docker
The run command mounts the /carla_visual_navigation
, /image-gallery
, /scenarios
and /results
folders into the container, so the changes to these folders are reflected both inside the container and on the host system.
When running for the first time, you need to capture the images from the test route for 3D reconstruction.
Inside the container terminal from last step:
cd /opt/carla_vloc_benchmark/src/carla_visual_navigation/scripts
# Generate the scenario files describing gallery image capture and experiments
# See /scenarios/experiment_descriptions.yml for list of experiments
# Launch terminal multiplexer
# Create a second tmux window into the container using 'shift-ctrl-b' + '%'
# Tmux window 1: start the scenario runner with rviz GUI
ros2 launch carla_visual_navigation town:='Town01'
# Tmux window 2: start gallery capture execution
ros2 launch carla_visual_navigation scenario_dir:='/scenarios/gallery_capture_town01_route1' repetitions:=1
If everything went okay, you should now have a folder /image-gallery/town01_route1
with images captured along the route. Repeat for Town10:
# Tmux window 1
ros2 launch carla_visual_navigation town:='Town10HD'
# Tmux window 2
ros2 launch carla_visual_navigation scenario_dir:='/scenarios/town10_route1' repetitions:=1
Next, we triangulate sparse 3D models from the gallery images and their camera poses.
The models are saved in the respective image capture folders in /image-gallery/
cd /opt/carla_vloc_benchmark/src/carla_visual_navigation/scripts
# Check the visual localization methods used in the experiments and run 3D reconstruction with each of them
python --experiment_path '/scenarios/illumination_experiment_town01'
# Repeat for Town10
python --experiment_path '/scenarios/illumination_experiment_town10'
You can visually examine the reconstructions with
cd /opt/visual_robot_localization/src/visual_robot_localization/utils
./ --image_folder '/image-gallery/town01_route1' --localization_combination_name 'netvlad+superpoint_aachen+superglue'
To replicate the experiment results:
# Launch terminal multiplexer
# Create a second tmux window into the container using 'shift-ctrl-b' + '%'
# In the first window, start the scenario runner headless (the rviz GUI slows the simulation down)
ros2 launch carla_visual_navigation town:='Town01'
# In the second window, start scenario execution for Town01, with 5 repetitions of each scenario file
ros2 launch carla_visual_navigation scenario_dir:='/scenarios/illumination_experiment_town01' repetitions:=5
# Once all the scenarios have been finished, run the scenarios with autopilot to measure visual localization recall
ros2 launch carla_visual_navigation scenario_dir:='/scenarios/illumination_experiment_town01_autopilot' repetitions:=1
# Next, measure navigation performance with wheel odometry only
ros2 launch carla_visual_navigation scenario_dir:='/scenarios/illumination_experiment_town01_odometry_only' repetitions:=5
Completing the experiments can take a long time. Once the experiments have been completed,
repeat for the Town10 envrionment. The results are saved to /results/
Viewpoint change -experiments uses the same gallery images and sparse 3D models as in the illumination experiments.
Each viewpoint change (e.g., change in camera angle) has its own experiment description
in scenarios/experiment_descriptions.yml
and sensor configuration file in
Run an experiment with the following camera position: z=4.0, pitch=10.0
# Tmux window 1
ros2 launch carla_visual_navigation town:='Town01' objects_config:='/opt/carla_vloc_benchmark/src/carla_visual_navigation/config/viewpoint_experiment_objects/zpitch/objects_zpitch1.json'
# In Tmux window 2, start scenario execution for Town01 and 5 repetitions of each scenario file
ros2 launch carla_visual_navigation scenario_dir:='/scenarios/viewpoint_experiment_zpitch1_town01' repetitions:=5
# Once all the scenarios have been finished, run the scenarios with autopilot to measure visual localization recall
# Remember to define the same sensor configuration file as previously
# Tmux window 1
ros2 launch carla_visual_navigation town:='Town01' objects_config:='/opt/carla_vloc_benchmark/src/carla_visual_navigation/config/viewpoint_experiment_objects/zpitch/objects_zpitch1.json'
# Tmux window 2
ros2 launch carla_visual_navigation scenario_dir:='/scenarios/viewpoint_experiment_zpitch1_town01_autopilot' repetitions:=1
# If Illumination experiments are performed, then there is no need to measure navigation performance with wheel odometry only. Same results can be used for viewpoint experiments
# Otherwise, measure navigation performance with wheel odometry only
ros2 launch carla_visual_navigation scenario_dir:='/scenarios/illumination_experiment_town01_odometry_only' repetitions:=5
Repeat the previous commands for other camera positions (zpitch2, zpitch3, zpitch4, ...)
and viewpoint changes (roll, yaw) The results are saved to /results/
List of the sensor configurations
cd /opt/carla_vloc_benchmark/src/carla_visual_navigation/scripts
# Execute all scenarios which starts with "viewpoint_experiment_yaw"
./ -e viewpoint_experiment_zpitch -a True -t Town01
This will open tmux session where scenario executor and scenario runner -commands are executed using
defined parameters. Above command will run all the viewpoint experiments which starts with viewpoint_experiment_zpitch
and corresponding autopilot experiments. Script will also restart the experiments from the previous
run if the execution stops for some reason.
The script uses following parameters:
: Experiment name (Required, String), can be used to run exact experiments likeviewpoint_experiment_zpitch1
or all the experiments belonging to the same categoryviewpoint_experiment_zpitch
: Town name (Required, String)-a
: Autopilot (Optional, Boolean), if corresponding autopilot experiments are executed after. Default value: False-o
: Odometry (Optional, Boolean), if odometry experiment is executed after. Default value: False-r
: Repetitions (Optional, Int) how many times each experiment should be executed. Default value: 5-n
: Exact experiment name (Optional, Boolean), if exact experiment name should be used. Default value: False
Run the experiments with weather changes:
# Tmux window 1
ros2 launch carla_visual_navigation town:='Town10HD'
# Tmux window 2
ros2 launch carla_visual_navigation scenario_dir:='/scenarios/weather_experiment_town10' repetitions:=5
# Once all the scenarios have been finished, run the scenarios with autopilot to measure visual localization recall
ros2 launch carla_visual_navigation scenario_dir:='/scenarios/weather_experiment_town10_autopilot' repetitions:=1
# If Illumination experiments are performed, then there is no need to measure navigation performance with wheel odometry only. Same results can be used for viewpoint experiments
# Otherwise, measure navigation performance with wheel odometry only
ros2 launch carla_visual_navigation scenario_dir:='/scenarios/illumination_experiment_town10_odometry_only' repetitions:=5
Produce aggregate metrics and plots from the results.
cd /opt/carla_visual_navigation/src/carla_visual_navigation/scripts
Adding new visual localization methods
The visual localization methods are integrated through the awesome
hloc toolbox,
for which we provide a ROS2 wrapper in the
visual_robot_localization package.
See hloc documentation on how to contribute new visual localization methods.
After a method has been added to hloc, it can be used in the experiments by specifying the method
in the experiment parameters (/scenarios/experiment_descriptions.yml
Defining your own experiments
Experiments are defined in /scenarios/experiment_descriptions.yml
using YAML.
Experiment descriptions should contain all the parameters and parameter combinations used in
scenarios. Parameter naming should be the same as in the OpenSCENARIO template files.
Example experiment definition structure:
# Experiment name
# The idea is to create scenario files that contain all the possible permutations of the parameters specified for an experiment.
parameter_1_name: parameter_1_value
parameter_2_name: parameter_2_value
parameter_3_name: [parameter_3_value_a, parameter_3_value_b, parameter_3_value_c]
# Sometimes parameters needs to be grouped together, e.g., SuperPoint extractor with Superglue matcher.
- group_param_1_a_name: group_param_1_a_value
group_param_1_b_name: group_param_1_b_value
- group_param_2_a_name: group_param_2_a_value
group_param_2_b_name: group_param_2_b_value
See /scenarios/experiment_descriptions.yml
for more examples and details.
ASAM OpenSCENARIO templates are defined in carla_vloc_benchmark/carla_visual_navigation/config
using XML.
Experiment parameters defined in /scenarios/experiment_descriptions.yml
are used to
populate the values in scenario template.
Example OpenScenario template structure:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<FileHeader revMajor="1" revMinor="0" date="2021-05-04T00:00:00" description="CARLA:TemplateName" author="author"/>
<ParameterDeclaration name="town_name" parameterType="string" value="town_name_template"/>
<ParameterDeclaration name="ekf_config_path" parameterType="string" value="ekf_config_path_template"/>
<ParameterDeclaration name="global_extractor_name" parameterType="string" value="global_extractor_name_template"/>
<Directory path="catalog_path_template"/>
See ASAM OpenSCENARIO User guide and documentation for detailed instructions and supported parameters.
Example template can be seen in carla_vloc_benchmark/carla_visual_navigation/config/VisualNavigatorTemplate.xosc
ASAM OpenSCENARIO catalogs are defined in carla_vloc_benchmark/carla_visual_navigation/config/catalogs
using XML. Catalogs contain the vehicle, controller, environment and route specifications, which are provided in this repository.
Example OpenSCENARIO catalog definition structure (vehicle):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FileHeader revMajor="1" revMinor="0" date="2020-03-20T00:00:00" description="CARLA:ControllerCatalog" author="" />
<Catalog name="VehicleCatalog">
<Vehicle name="vehicle.tesla.model3" vehicleCategory="car">
<Performance maxSpeed="69.444" maxAcceleration="10.0" maxDeceleration="10.0"/>
<Center x="1.5" y="0.0" z="0.9"/>
<Dimensions width="2.1" length="4.5" height="1.8"/>
<FrontAxle maxSteering="0.5" wheelDiameter="0.6" trackWidth="1.8" positionX="3.1" positionZ="0.3"/>
<RearAxle maxSteering="0.0" wheelDiameter="0.6" trackWidth="1.8" positionX="0.0" positionZ="0.3"/>
<Property name="type" value="ego_vehicle"/>
<Property name="color" value="0,0,255"/>
See ASAM OpenSCENARIO User guide and documentation for detailed instructions and supported parameters.
Scenario files can be generated if experiments are defined in scenarios/experiment_descriptions.yml
OpenSCENARIO templates in carla_vloc_benchmark/carla_visual_navigation/config
and vehicle, controller, environment and route specification catalogs in
using following commands:
# Launch a container which contains the autonomous agent and scenario execution logic
cd docker
cd /opt/carla_vloc_benchmark/src/carla_visual_navigation/scripts
# Generate the scenario files described in /scenarios/experiment_descriptions.yml
populates the OpenSCENARIO templates with parameter values
from experiment descriptions and creates a scenario file for each parameter combination.
Populated scenario files and parameter file are stored in scenarios/experiment_name
with names combination_000.xosc, combination_001.xosc, ...
and parameters.yml