_foodies App is a Desktop Web Application for cooking and meal planning.
It has the following functionalities:
- Search new recipes with many filters. By dish name, by ingredients (what is left on your fridge?) or by nutritional values.
- See similar recipes to the ones you are seeing.
- Add them to favourites. In your account, you will find all these recipes, you can edit or delete them, or even add new ones.
- The apps helps you to guess the nutritional values of your new recipe if you don't know them.
- Add recipes to your week planner. Drag and drop them in the day you want to make changes!
- It will automatically generate a shopping list with your week planner. You can delete the ingredients you already have at home!
- You can also have sugestions based on your interests. Fill them in your profile!
- Sass
- Javascript ES6
- Node JS
- Express JS
- Mongo DB
- You can see the app in https://foodies-app-ironhack.herokuapp.com/
Method | Endpoint | Description |
GET | /recipes | Renders the main recipe search bar. |
GET | /recipes/search-by-ingredients | Renders the ingredients recipe search bar. |
POST | /recipes/search-by-ingredients | Shows a list of recipes according to the ingredients search. |
GET | /recipes/search-by-nutrients | Renders the nutrients recipe search bar. |
POST | /recipes/search-by-nutrients | Shows a list of recipes according to the nutrients search. |
POST | /recipes/add-to-favourites/:recipeID | Adds a new recipe to the user's profile. |
GET | /recipes/details/:recipeID | Show details about a certain recipe. |
GET | /profile/recommendation | Generates a suggested recipe for the user depending on his/her diet and interests. |
GET | profile/edit/:userID | Renders a form to edit the user's profile. |
POST | profile/edit/:userID | Changes the user profile. |
GET | profile/:userID | Shows the user's profile. |
PUT | profile/my-week/change-day | Change the day of week-meals. |
DELETE | profile/my-week/delete | Deletes a meal from the current week plan. |
GET | profile/my-week/:userID | Shows the user's meal planner. |
DELETE | profile/my-shopping-list/delete | Deletes ingredients from the shopping list. |
GET | profile/my-shopping-list/:userID | Shows the user's shopping list. |
GET | profile/my-recipes/:userID/add | Renders a form to create a new recipe manually by the user. |
POST | profile/my-recipes/:userID/add | Creates a user's new recipe. |
GET | profile/my-recipes/:recipeID | Shows details of an user's recipe. |
GET | profile/my-recipes/edit/:recipeID | Shows a form to edit an existing recipe. |
POST | profile/my-recipes/edit/:recipeID | Edits an existing recipe. |
DELETE | profile/my-recipes/delete/:recipeID | Deletes a recipe from the user's profile. |
POST | profile/my-recipes/add-to-week/:recipeID | Adds to the week planner a recipe |
GET | profile/my-recipes/:userID | Renders the user's recipes |
GET | /auth/# | Shows a form to # |
POST | /auth/# | Generates a new user |
GET | /auth/# | Shows a form to log in |
POST | /auth/# | Starts a new session for the user |
GET | /auth/logout | Ends the current session |