Lavacharts is a graphing / chart library for PHP5.6+ that wraps the Google Chart API.
Updated! Global package configuration
- Options include:
- Options include:
Updated! New DataInterface for creating custom DataProviders.
- [JoinedDataTable] ( Is an example of one of the usages for DataInterface.
- Lava.js Event handling now can be given context if the default of "window" doesn't work for you.
- Lava.js has been refactored to reduced the amount of promise chaining and event handling to increase speed and for simplicity.
Any option for customizing charts that Google supports, Lavacharts should as well.
Visit Google's Chart Gallery for details on available option
Custom JavaScript module for interacting with charts client-side
- AJAX data + option reloading
- Fetching charts
- Events integration
Column Formatters and Roles
Carbon support for date/datetime/timeofday columns
Now supporting 22 Charts!
- Annotation, Area, Bar, Bubble, Calendar, Candlestick, Column, Combo, Gantt, Gauge, Geo, Histogram, Line, Org, Pie, Sankey, Scatter, SteppedArea, Table, Timeline, TreeMap, and WordTree!
For complete documentation, please visit
Upgrade guide: Migrating from 2.5.x to 3.0.x
For contributing, a handy guide can be found here
In your project's main composer.json
file, add this line to the requirements:
"khill/lavacharts": "~3.2"
Run Composer to install Lavacharts:
$ composer update
If you are using Lavacharts with Silex, Lumen or your own Composer project, that's no problem! Just make sure to:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
within you project and create an instance of Lavacharts: $lava = new Khill\Lavacharts\Lavacharts;
To integrate Lavacharts into Laravel, a ServiceProvider has been included.
Register Lavacharts in your app by adding these lines to the respective arrays found in config/app.php
// config/app.php
// ...
'providers' => [
// ...
// ...
'aliases' => [
// ...
'Lava' => Khill\Lavacharts\Laravel\LavachartsFacade::class,
Register Lavacharts in your app by adding these lines to the respective arrays found in app/config/app.php
// app/config/app.php
// ...
'providers' => array(
// ...
// ...
'aliases' => array(
// ...
'Lava' => "Khill\Lavacharts\Laravel\LavachartsFacade",
The package also includes a Bundle for Symfony to enable Lavacharts as a service that can be pulled from the Container.
Add the bundle to the registerBundles method in the AppKernel, found at app/AppKernel.php
// app/AppKernel.php
class AppKernel extends Kernel
// ..
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Khill\Lavacharts\Symfony\Bundle\LavachartsBundle(),
Add the service definition to the app/config/config.yml
# ...
- { resource: "@LavachartsBundle/Resources/config/services.yml"
The creation of charts is separated into two parts: First, within a route or controller, you define the chart, the data table, and the customization of the output.
Second, within a view, you use one line and the library will output all the necessary JavaScript code for you.
Here is an example of the simplest chart you can create: A line chart with one dataset and a title, no configuration.
Setting up your first chart.
$data = $lava->DataTable();
$data->addDateColumn('Day of Month')
// Random Data For Example
for ($a = 1; $a < 30; $a++) {
$rowData = [
"2017-4-$a", rand(800,1000), rand(800,1000)
Arrays work for datatables as well...
['date', 'Day of Month'],
['number', 'Projected'],
['number', 'Official']
Or you can use \Khill\Lavacharts\DataTables\DataFactory
to create DataTables in another way
Customize your chart, with any options found in Google's documentation. Break objects down into arrays and pass to the chart.
$lava->LineChart('Stocks', $data, [
'title' => 'Stock Market Trends',
'animation' => [
'startup' => true,
'easing' => 'inAndOut'
'colors' => ['blue', '#F4C1D8']
The chart will needs to be output into a div on the page, so an html ID for a div is needed.
Here is where you want your chart <div id="stocks-div"></div>
- If no options for the chart are set, then the third parameter is the id of the output:
$lava->LineChart('Stocks', $data, 'stocks-div');
- If there are options set for the chart, then the id may be included in the options:
$lava->LineChart('Stocks', $data, [
'elementId' => 'stocks-div'
'title' => 'Stock Market Trends'
- The 4th parameter will also work:
$lava->LineChart('Stocks', $data, [
'title' => 'Stock Market Trends'
], 'stocks-div');
Pass the main Lavacharts instance to the view, because all of the defined charts are stored within, and render!
<?= $lava->render('LineChart', 'Stocks', 'stocks-div'); ?>
Or if you have multiple charts, you can condense theh view code withL
<?= $lava->renderAll(); ?>
The complete changelog can be found here