A project management tool.
Status: alpha
Unify a project manifest
Collect dynamic metadata of builds at compile time (e.g. uberjar step) and use the metadata at runtime
Transform a project manifest to io.github.seancorfield/build-clj format
Manage project version
Add the following dependency in your project:
[io.lazy-cat/tools.project "0.1.82"]
io.lazy-cat/tools.project {:mvn/version "0.1.82"}
Add the project manifest to the project root directory.
├── .tools.project
│ └── config.edn <- project level configuration (variables, etc)
├── src
├── deps.edn
└── project.edn <- project manifest (any data)
;; juxt/aero and selmer libraries are supported
{:name io.lazy-cat/tools.project
:version "0.0.{{ git/commits-count }}{{ version/pre-release }}"
:description "A project management tool."
:license "MIT"
:author "Ilshat Sultanov <ilshat@sultanov.team>"
:contributors [{:name "Ilshat Sultanov"
:email "ilshat@sultanov.team"
:url "https://github.com/just-sultanov"}]
:homepage "https://github.com/lazy-cat-io/tools.project#readme"
:repository {:url "https://github.com/lazy-cat-io/tools.project"}
:bugs {:url "https://github.com/lazy-cat-io/tools.project/issues"}
:keywords [:clojure :project-management :project-management-tool]
:build {:src-dirs ["src/main/clojure"]
:resource-dirs ["src/main/resources"]
:target "target"
:jar-file "target/tools.project.jar"
:scm {:url #ref [:repository :url]}}
:metadata {:build/created-at "{{ build/created-at }}"
:git/branch "{{ git/branch }}"
:git/sha "{{ git/sha }}"
:git/commit-message "{{ git/commit-message }}"
:git/author-email "{{ git/author-email }}"
:git/author-name "{{ git/author-name }}"
:git/author-timestamp "{{ git/author-timestamp }}"
:git/committer-email "{{ git/committer-email }}"
:git/committer-name "{{ git/committer-name }}"
:git/committer-timestamp "{{ git/committer-timestamp }}"}}
(ns example
[tools.project :as tp]))
;; Configuration
;; Stages of configuration building:
;; - reading the local configuration of the project (./.tools.project/config.edn)
;; - reading the global configuration from the user's home directory (~/.tools.project/config.edn)
;; - reading the default configuration (src/main/resources/io/lazy-cat/tools/project/config.edn)
;; example output
;; variables that can be used in project.edn in templates (uses Selmer under the hood)
:variables {:build/created-at "2022-04-09T22:44:47.299245Z"
:build/number "42"
:datetime/day "09"
:datetime/hour "22"
:datetime/minute "47"
:datetime/month "04"
:datetime/second "77"
:datetime/year "2022"
:git/author-email "ilshat@sultanov.team"
:git/author-name "Ilshat Sultanov"
:git/author-timestamp "2022-04-10T01:37:02+03:00"
:git/branch "master"
:git/commit-body nil
:git/commit-message "Add deploy step"
:git/commit-subject "Add deploy step"
:git/commits-count "64"
:git/committer-email "ilshat@sultanov.team"
:git/committer-name "Ilshat Sultanov"
:git/committer-timestamp "2022-04-10T01:37:02+03:00"
:git/sha "61770ee"
:git/tags nil
:git/url "git@github.com:lazy-cat-io/tools.project.git"
:version/pre-release ""}
;; build-clj configuration (:lib and :version parameters will be added automatically)
:build {:src-dirs ["src"]
:resource-dirs ["resources"]
:target "target"}}
;; Project manifest
{:name io.lazy-cat/tools.project
:version "0.0.64"
:description "A project management tool."
:license "MIT"
:author "Ilshat Sultanov <ilshat@sultanov.team>"
:contributors [{:name "Ilshat Sultanov"
:email "ilshat@sultanov.team"
:url "https://github.com/just-sultanov"}]
:homepage "https://github.com/lazy-cat-io/tools.project#readme"
:repository {:url "https://github.com/lazy-cat-io/tools.project"}
:bugs {:url "https://github.com/lazy-cat-io/tools.project/issues"}
:keywords [:clojure :project-management :project-management-tool]
:build {:src-dirs ["src/main/clojure"]
:resource-dirs ["src/main/resources"]
:target "target"
:jar-file "target/tools.project.jar"
:scm {:url "https://github.com/lazy-cat-io/tools.project.git"}}
:metadata {:build/created-at "2022-04-09T22:44:47.299245Z"
:git/author-email "ilshat@sultanov.team"
:git/author-name "Ilshat Sultanov"
:git/author-timestamp "2022-04-10T01:37:02+03:00"
:git/branch "master"
:git/commit-message "Add deploy step"
:git/committer-email "ilshat@sultanov.team"
:git/committer-name "Ilshat Sultanov"
:git/committer-timestamp "2022-04-10T01:37:02+03:00"
:git/sha "61770ee"}}
;; Project metadata
;; Export a build metadata to resources directory using a project name (without build-clj configuration - :build key)
(tp/write-build-info (tp/read-project))
;; =>
;; Output: src/main/resources/io/lazy-cat/tools/project/build.edn
;; .tools.project/config.edn
{:git/long-sha #git "rev-parse HEAD"}}
;; project.edn
{:version "v0.0.{{ git/long-sha }}"}
:version "v0.0.61770ee7e611ce57840fdf45cb71e085d32134d5"
If you need to use the variable build/number
you should expose the environment variable BUILD_NUMBER
or you can override build/number
;; default configuration
{:build/number #or [#env BUILD_NUMBER "N/A"]}}
❏ Stabilize the API
❏ Add validation using
schemas -
❏ Use
to preserve the manifest formatting style -
❏ Add versioning support for
,git flow
❏ Add usage examples with the babashka and Clojure CLI as tool
❏ Add support for
mono repositories