Remove the unwanted part from video by adjusting starting point and ending point in Android. For Clipping the video, internally I have used uses FFMpeg.
- Part of video can be removed and stored in gallery.
- Video can be clipped by selecting the starting point and ending point.
- Seekbar moves as per selected video for trimming
- You can specify the length of the video before cut.
- You can also extract audio from video.
- Take video from gallery and built in app camera.
- Combine multiple video into one with progress. // it is commented for now
- User can record video from camera or select video from gallery
- Set the selected video in the Clipping screen
- Remove part of the video by dragging starting point and end point
- View trimmed video on the gallery.
- While removing part from video it creates temp folder in gallery to store the first and second part of video. Those folder get deleted automatically after combining the video into one single video.