Sync Google Keep notes to Obsidian.
As a regular user of both Google Keep and Obsidian, I set out to make it easier to exchange data between both apps.
This plugin is still in the beta phase and only supports one-way download for now, from Google Keep to Obsidian. Please share your feedback in the issues section on GitHub.
The connection to Google Keep is established through a flask server based on Keep-It-Markdown, which handles the heavy lifting. This is particularly useful for users who cannot run Python scripts on their computers.
When you start a sync, you will provide your Google Keep email and a token generated during installation. These credentials are stored on your computer, sent when you sync, and then discarded - We do not log or store your credentials or notes in any way.
This plugin offers an on-demand "Run Keep -> Obsidian" command to download the 50 most recent notes on demand. Follow the installation instructions below to try it and share your feedback.
If more people find this project useful, I may expand the functionality to include daily sync, realtime sync, unlimited notes, 2-way sync, filters, tags or AI-enabled tagging & title generation.
Rank the upcoming features here: KeepSidian Wishlist
KeepSidian is in the process of being added to the community plugin store. Until it's accepted, you can download it using the instructions below:
- Option 1: Use the Obsidian BRAT plugin
- Option 2: Clone this repository in your /.obsidian/plugins
After installation, go to "Settings > Community Plugins > KeepSidian" in Obsidian.
- Enter our Google Keep email.
- Enter the folder to sync to
Click "Retrieve Token," and a browser window should open, prompting you to log into Google. Once you have done so, we shall generate a token that will be used to access your Google Keep account.
The plugin adds the following frontmatter to each synced note:
- GoogleKeepUrl
- GoogleKeepCreatedDate
- GoogleKeepUpdatedDate
- KeepSidianLastSyncedDate
Please share your feedback in the issues section on GitHub.