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A liability threshold linear mixed model simulation tool for case-control studies.


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A liability threshold linear mixed model simulation tool for case-control studies.


A major focus in human genetics is the development of computational models that can both accurately predict disease risk and identify mutations that influence phenotypic variation. Currently, it is a challenge for researchers to effectively assess the power of their methods due to the lack of scalable simulation tools that can emulate complex genetic interactions and realistic trait architectures. This is particularly difficult for simulating synthetic binary phenotypes which, in reality, suffer from ascertainment bias due to the unequal distribution of case and control populations in nature. In response, here we present LT-sim: a software package that uses a liability threshold linear mixed model to properly simulate ascertainment and other properties that naturally occur in case-control data. We apply LT-Sim in common and rare disease scenarios of type 1 diabetes and ALS, and demonstrate the software’s ability to enable in-silico hypothesis testing efficiently.

The objective of LT-Sim is to generate synthetic genetic data that mimic biological relationships among individuals while maintaining population structure and accounting for selection biases frequently present in case-control studies. A. Such studies are commonly modeled using a liability threshold model, which provides a continuous liability distribution to generate case/control phenotypes. On the latent liability model, the x-axis represents the continuous liability scale, while the y-axis represents the density of the population corresponding to a liability score. The liability threshold (red dotted line), separates individuals who are affected with the disease from those who are not. B. LT-Sim provides 13 parameters at the population (parameters 1 - 7), observation (parameters 8,9), and genotype levels (parameters 10 - 13) so that users can simulate the full spectrum of case-control studies.


  1. Clone the LT-Sim repo:
    • git clone
  2. Install dependencies:
    • R (4.1.1)
    • parallel (4.1.1)
    • truncnorm (1.0.8)
    • hash (
    • dplyr (1.0.7)

Running LT-Sim


LT-Sim can be run in 2 ways,

  1. with single inputs for each input parameter using lt-sim.r

  2. with multiple inputs for one/multiple input parameters using lt-sim_sweeps.r.

To run

  1. Given a parameter setting of interest, the user can immediately submit those values as input parameters to the LT-Sim R script. For example:

Rscript lt-sim.r /path/for/outputs --ind 2000 --k 0.1 --obs 200 --tot_snp_sim 1000 --frac_causal 0.1

Additional usage information and defaults for all other arguments can be seen with Rscript lt-sim.r --help:

usage: lt-sim.r [--] [--help] [--hierarchy] [--opts OPTS] [--seed SEED]
       [--mask_dir MASK_DIR] [--degree DEGREE] [--ind IND] [--k K]
       [--pve PVE] [--fst FST] [--obs OBS] [--prop_case PROP_CASE]
       [--tot_snp_sim TOT_SNP_SIM] [--frac_causal FRAC_CAUSAL]
       [--maf_lower MAF_LOWER] [--rho RHO] [--prop_pop_A PROP_POP_A]
       [--num_reps NUM_REPS] output_dir


positional arguments:
  output_dir         Path for generated output

  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --hierarchy        Set this flag to sample causal SNPs according to
                     biological annotations (e.g., genes or pathways)

optional arguments:
  -x, --opts         RDS file containing argument values
  -s, --seed         Random seed to use in generating simulated data
                     [default: 0]
  -m, --mask_dir     Path to SNP/pathway hierarchy mask (default: NA)
  -d, --degree       Degree of non-overlapping pathways if mask used
                     [default: 0]
  -i, --ind          Number of individuals in population [default:
  -k, --k            Prevalence of disease/trait in population
                     [default: 0.15]
  -p, --pve          Broad sense heritability [default: 0.4]
  -f, --fst          Targeted fixation index as a measure of population
                     differentiation due to genetic structure.  Set to
                     0 to simulate single population. [default: 0.05]
  -o, --obs          Total observed population [default: 200]
  --prop_case        Proportion of case observations [default: 0.5]
  -t, --tot_snp_sim  Total number of SNPs in population [default: 1000]
  --frac_causal      Proportion of causal SNPs in population [default:
  --maf_lower        Minor allele frequency lower bound [default: 0.05]
  -r, --rho          Proportion of additive genetic variation [default:
  --prop_pop_A       Proportion of population A relative to total
                     [default: 0.5]
  -n, --num_reps     Number of dataset replicates [default: 5]
  1. To run LT-Sim across multiple parameter values for one or more parameters, first generate file(s) containing parameter values to sweep over, separated by spaces. For example, this file could be used to simulate populations across different values of broad sense heritability for the trait of interest:


0.4 0.6 0.8

The user can then easily run LT-Sim for this parameter sweep (with all other parameters set to default values) using the following command:

Rscript lt-sim_sweeps.r /path/for/outputs --pve_file /path/to/pve_values.txt

Additional usage information and defaults for all other arguments can be seen with Rscript lt-sim_sweeps.r --help:

usage: lt-sim_sweeps.r [--] [--help] [--hierarchy] [--dry_run] [--opts
       OPTS] [--ind_file IND_FILE] [--k_file K_FILE] [--pve_file
       PVE_FILE] [--fst_file FST_FILE] [--obs_file OBS_FILE]
       [--prop_case_file PROP_CASE_FILE] [--tot_snp_sim_file
       TOT_SNP_SIM_FILE] [--frac_causal_file FRAC_CAUSAL_FILE]
       [--maf_lower_file MAF_LOWER_FILE] [--rho_file RHO_FILE]
       [--prop_pop_A_file PROP_POP_A_FILE] [--seed SEED] [--mask_dir
       MASK_DIR] [--degree DEGREE] [--num_reps NUM_REPS] output_dir

LT-Sim Parameter Sweep Helper Script

positional arguments:
  output_dir              Path for generated output

  -h, --help              show this help message and exit
  --hierarchy             Set this flag to sample causal SNPs according
                          to biological annotations (e.g., genes or
  --dry_run               Print commands needed to run parameter sweep
                          to stdout without running lt-sim

optional arguments:
  -x, --opts              RDS file containing argument values
  -i, --ind_file          Path to file with number of individuals in
                          population to test
  -k, --k_file            Path to file with prevalences of
                          disease/trait in population to test
  -p, --pve_file          Path to file with broad sense heritability
                          values to test
  -f, --fst_file          Path to file with FST values to test
  -o, --obs_file          Path to file with total observed population
                          values to test
  --prop_case_file        Path to file with proportion of case
                          observations to test
  -t, --tot_snp_sim_file  Path to file with total number of SNPs in
                          population to test
  --frac_causal_file      Path to file with proportion of causal SNPs
                          in population to test
  -m, --maf_lower_file    Path to file with minor allele frequency
                          lower bounds to test
  -r, --rho_file          Path to file with proportions of additive
                          genetic variation to test
  --prop_pop_A_file       Path to file with proportions of population A
                          relative to total to test
  -s, --seed              Random seed to use in generating simulated
                          data [default: 0]
  --mask_dir              Path to SNP/pathway hierarchy mask (default:
  -d, --degree            Degree of non-overlapping pathways if mask
                          used [default: 0]
  -n, --num_reps          Number of dataset replicates [default: 5]

LT-Sim Outputs

LT-Sim generates synthetic genotype and phenotype data as .txt files in space-delimited format. Output files are located in subdirectories of the provided output_dir and specified by parameter settings, such as


Each subdirectory contains genotype files where rows represent individuals and columns represent SNPs, in both 012 matrix format (Xsim_labeled.<replicate>.txt) and centered and scaled matrix format (Xsim_labeled_cent_scal.<replicate>.txt). If applicable, individuals are named according to their population subgroup (popA or popB).

Phenotype files (ysim_labeled.<replicate>.txt) feature the same individual names and a column indicating case (2) or control (1) status.


A liability threshold linear mixed model simulation tool for case-control studies.







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