The Semantic Publishing Benchmark is an LDBC benchmark which measures the performance of RDF databases. Creation of that benchmark has been inspired by the Media/Publishing industry where requirements like: constant update of content or various requests for data extraction and aggregation are present.
Features of the benchmark:
- Provides a Data Generator using real reference datasets and producing synthetic data of various scales.
- Workload consists of editorial operations (adding new, updating or deleting existing data) and aggregation operations (retrieve content, aggregate results, etc.). Aggregation operations consist of a wide range of queries, e.g. search, aggregation, FTS, Faceted Search, Geo-spatial, Drill-down which define various types of choke points (i.e. technical challenges) that an RDF database must successfully overcome.
- Provides validation of results
- Tests the conformance of the RDF Database to various rules inside the OWL2-RL rule-set.
Apache Ant build tool is required.
# builds the benchmark driver with basic query mix, standard SPARQL 1.1 compliance
$ ant build-basic-querymix
# builds the benchmark driver with advanced query mix, standard SPARQL 1.1 compliance
$ ant build-advanced-querymix
# builds the benchmark driver with basic query mix and queries optimized for GraphDB
$ ant build-basic-querymix-graphdb
# builds the benchmark driver with advanced query mix and queries optimized for GraphDB
$ ant build-advanced-querymix-graphdb
# builds the benchmark driver with basic query mix and queries optimized for Virtuoso
$ ant build-basic-querymix-virtuoso
# builds the benchmark driver with advanced query mix and queries optimized for Virtuoso
$ ant build-advanced-querymix-virtuoso
Result of build process is saved to a distribution folder: 'dist/' :
- semantic_publishing_benchmark.jar - the benchmark test driver
- data/ - folder containing all necessary data to run the benchmark
- - a configuration file with parameters for configuring the benchmark driver
- - a configuration file with pre-allocated values used by the benchmark. Not to be modified by the regular benchmark user.
- readme.txt
All necessary files required to run the benchmark are saved to folder: 'dist/'. The benchmark can be started from there or can be moved to a new location. Optionally, additinal reference datasets can be added - they can be dowloaded from All files should be unzipped in folder 'data/datasets/'
Various properties are used to configure the behaviour of the SPB Test Driver or Data Generator. All properties are saved in files: and Properties saved to file: definitions.proeprties are not to be modified by a regular user of the benchmark, their default values have been set.
RDF Repository configuration
- Use RDFS rule-set
- Enable context indexing
- Enable text indexing (optional)
- Enable geo-spatial indexing (optional)
Benchmark Actions are the essential tasks that the benchmark driver can perform e.g. Generate synthetic data, Validate operations or measure performance.
Available becnhmark actions: Each action executes a sequence of operational phases ( -
Configuration options:
Definition properties:
java -jar semantic_publishing_benchmark-*.jar
Note: appropriate value for java maximum heap size may be required, e.g. -Xmx8G
Logging details can be controlled by a configuration file: log4j.xml saved in the distributed benchmark driver (semantic_publishing_benchmark.jar). After modifying log4j.xml, benchmark driver must be updated with contents of the new xml file. Results of the benchmark are saved to three types of log files :
- brief - brief log of executed queries, saved in semantic_publishing_benchmark_queries_brief.log
- detailed - detailed log of executed queries with results, saved in semantic_publishing_benchmark_queries_detailed.log
- summary - editorial and aggregate operations rate, saved in semantic_publishing_benchmark_results.log