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Dynamic motd

The aim of this project is to give some informations when you log into a server through SSH.


   ___  ___ _ ____   _____ _ __
  / __|/ _ \ '__\ \ / / _ \ '__|
  \__ \  __/ |   \ V /  __/ |
  |___/\___|_|    \_/ \___|_|

  Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) (kernel 6.1.0-7-amd64)

  System information as of Thu Apr 13 08:43:28 2023

  System load:  2.84                 Processes:           338
  Memory usage: 81.69%               Users logged in:     1
  Swap usage:   21.34%
  Disk Usage:
    Usage of /                       : 37.0% of 19.18GB
    Usage of /boot                   : 36.6% of 0.11GB
    Usage of /home                   : 11.1% of 501.60GB
  Inode Usage:
    Usage of /                       : 12.7% of 1286144
    Usage of /boot                   : 1.1% of 31232
    Usage of /home                   : 0.1% of 33406976

  Logged in users:
  user       from        at Mon Apr  3 09:28:01 2023

No mail.
Last login: Mon Apr  3 07:28:01 2023 from

Warning This is Debian and Debian-related distributions only.


Debian package

Go to, download the Debian package and its signature file.

Check the signature of the Debian package and install the package:

minisign -Vm dynamic-motd_*.deb -P RWRzxrp04vb4Db3sle7Az6kSeCipT1ixRjRZPXdUUQuuwgi9UW81E+dx &&
sudo apt install ./dynamic-motd_*.deb

Manual installation

You need to install some packages:

apt-get install figlet lsb-release python3-utmp bc

Optionally, you can install needrestart which is used to show a message if your server need a reboot (main reason (and the only one I know): you have upgraded your kernel). If you don't install needrestart, it will work, but you won't be warned about the need for a reboot. needrestart warns you about services that need to be restarted too (but is slower than checkrestart for that, see below).

You can optionally install debian-goodies which provides checkrestart, which will be used to warn you about services that need to be restarted. Relying on needrestart for that is slow (±7 seconds) while checkrestart do it faster (less than one second).

Check out the repo (to a folder of your choice)

git clone
cd dynamic-motd/

Then, as root:

cp -r update-motd.d/ /etc
rm /etc/motd
ln -s /var/run/motd /etc/motd

Disabling for some users

Just create a /etc/update-motd.d/hushlogin file containing the names of the users, like:



You will find a working salt formula in init.sls.

cd /srv/salt
git clone motd
salt your_server state.sls motd


GPLv2. Have a look at the LICENSE file.
