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wxLua is a comprehensive binding to the wxWidgets cross-platform GUI framework.
It is straightforward to write Moonscript programs that use this API (provided they are on the Lua module binary path). The result is definitely cleaner than the equivalent Lua, not to mention the original C++!
-- tree.wx.moon
require "wx"
-- create a table to store any extra information for each node like this
-- you don't have to store the id in the table, but it might be useful
-- treedata[id] = { id=wx.wxTreeCtrlId, data="whatever data we want" }
treedata = {}
treedata.put = (id,str) ->
val = id\GetValue!
treedata[val] = id:val, data:str
any = wx.wxID_ANY
defpos = wx.wxDefaultPosition
defsize = wx.wxDefaultSize
main = ->
frame = wx.wxFrame wx.NULL, any, "wxLua wxTreeCtrl Sample",
defpos, wx.wxSize(600, 400),
-- create the menubar and attach it
fileMenu = wx.wxMenu!
fileMenu\Append wx.wxID_EXIT, "E&xit", "Quit the program"
helpMenu = wx.wxMenu!
helpMenu\Append wx.wxID_ABOUT, "&About", "About the wxLua wxTreeCtrl Sample"
menuBar = wx.wxMenuBar!
menuBar\Append fileMenu, "&File"
menuBar\Append helpMenu, "&Help"
frame\SetMenuBar menuBar
frame\Connect wx.wxID_EXIT, wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED,->
frame\Close true
frame\Connect wx.wxID_ABOUT, wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED,->
wx.wxMessageBox 'This is the "About" dialog of the wxLua wxTreeCtrl sample.\n'..wxlua.wxLUA_VERSION_STRING.." built with "..wx.wxVERSION_STRING,
"About wxLua",
splitter = wx.wxSplitterWindow frame,any,defpos,defsize
-- create our treectrl
tree = wx.wxTreeCtrl splitter, any, defpos, defsize,
-- create our log window
textCtrl = wx.wxTextCtrl splitter, any, "", defpos, defsize,
splitter\SetMinimumPaneSize 50
splitter\SplitVertically tree, textCtrl, 200
root_id = tree\AddRoot "Root"
treedata.put root_id, "I'm the root item"
for idx = 0, 10
parent_id = tree\AppendItem root_id, "Parent (#{idx})"
treedata.put parent_id, "I'm the data for Parent (#{idx})"
for jdx = 0, 5
child_id = tree\AppendItem parent_id, "Child (#{idx},#{jdx})"
treedata.put child_id, "I'm the child data for Parent (#{idx},#{jdx}))"
if idx == 2 or idx == 5
tree\Expand parent_id
tree_event = (evnt,name) ->
tree\Connect evnt,(event) ->
value = event\GetItem!\GetValue!
textCtrl\AppendText "Item #{name}: #{tostring(value)} '#{treedata[value].data}'\n"
-- connect to some events from the wxTreeCtrl
tree_event wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_EXPANDING,"expanding"
tree_event wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_COLLAPSING, "collapsing"
tree_event wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_ACTIVATED, "activated"
tree_event wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_SEL_CHANGED, "sel changed"
tree\Expand root_id
frame\Show true
It's convenient to move some common boilerplate into a helper module. Here is the wxGrid example, using wxm
wxm = require 'wxm'
frame = wxm.frame "wxLua wxGrid Sample",{},{350,250}
import menu from wxm
menu.bar {
menu "&File", {
menu.item -1, "&Open", ->
print 'opening sesame'
menu.item ids.EXIT, "E&xit\tCtrl-X", "Quit the program",->
menu "&Help", {
menu.item ids.ABOUT, "&About\tCtrl-A", "About the Grid wxLua Application",->
wxm.MessageBox "Simplified wx with Moon", "About wxLua",
wxm.toolbar nil, {
{ids.EXIT, 'Exit', 'ERROR'}
{ids.ABOUT, 'About', 'HELP'}
frame\CreateStatusBar 1
frame\SetStatusText "Welcome to wxLua."
grid = wxm.Grid frame, wxm.ID_ANY
grid\CreateGrid 10, 8
grid\SetColSize 3, 200
grid\SetRowSize 4, 45
grid\SetCellValue 0, 0, "First cell"
grid\SetCellValue 1, 1, "Another cell"
grid\SetCellValue 2, 2, "Yet another cell"
grid\SetCellFont 0, 0, wxm.Font 10, wxm.ROMAN, wxm.ITALIC, wxm.NORMAL
grid\SetCellTextColour 1, 1, wxm.RED
grid\SetCellBackgroundColour 2, 2, wxm.CYAN
One of the first things that wxm
does is make a copy of wx
, getting rid of the terrible redundancy of having all entries prefixed with 'wx'. Then basic frame and menu support is provided. The essential idea is this: GUI programming is not so very hard, and an API does not have to reflect its original implementation language (in this case, a fairly old-fashioned dialect of C++).
-- wxm.moon
wx = require "wx"
wxm = {k\sub(3),v for k,v in pairs wx}
_frame = nil
wxm.frame = (caption,pos,size) ->
if not next(pos) then pos = wxm.DefaultPosition
if not next(size)
size = wxm.DefaultSize
elseif type(size)=='table'
size = wxm.Size unpack size
_frame = wxm.Frame wx.NULL, wxm.ID_ANY, caption, pos, size
wxm.bitmap = (name,kind) ->
kind = kind or 'MENU'
wxm.ArtProvider.GetBitmap wx['wxART_'..name], wx['wxART_'..kind]
wxm.menu = {}
wxm.menu.dropdown = (text,items) ->
menu = wxm.Menu "", wxm.MENU_TEAROFF
for item in *items
menu\Append unpack item
{menu, text}
setmetatable wxm.menu, __call:(self,...) -> self.dropdown ...
id_counter = nil
wxm.nextID = ->
if not id_counter then id_counter = wxm.ID_HIGHEST
id_counter += 1
return id_counter
wxm.menu.item = (id,text,hintstr,callback) ->
if type(hintstr) == 'function' then callback = hintstr
if not hinstr then hintstr = ''
if id == -1 then id = wxm.nextID!
if callback
_frame\Connect id, wxm.EVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, callback
wxm.menu.bar = (items) ->
mbar = wxm.MenuBar!
for item in *items
mbar\Append item[1], item[2]
_frame\SetMenuBar mbar
wxm.toolbar = (style,items) ->
style = style or wxm.NO_BORDER + wxm.TB_FLAT + wxm.TB_DOCKABLE
tbar = _frame\CreateToolBar style
for item in *items
id, text, bm, hintstr = item[1], item[2], item[3], item[4]
if type(bm) == 'string' then bm = wxm.bitmap bm
if id == -1 and text == '-'
tbar\AddTool id, text, bm, hintstr or text
wxm.go = ->
_frame\Show true
return wxm