python scripts/ --cfg_file=path/to/config --mode=train/test
|- scripts
|- src
| |- agents
| | |- fully_observed_ppo: fully observed
| | |- concat_action_ppo: concatenate afa and tsk action space
| | |- concat_action_mbppo: with generative model
| | |- batch_hier_ppo: batch acquisition
| | |- batch_hier_mbppo: with generative model
| | |- seque_hier_ppo: sequential acquisition
| | |- seque_hier_mbppo: with generative model
| |- environemnts
| | |- sepsis: sepsis simulator
| | |- episode_length_wrapper: limit episode length
| | |- concat_action_wrapper: concat action space
| | |- batch_acquire_env: batch acquisition
| | |- seque_acquire_env: sequential acquisition
| |- models
| | |- poex_vae_cat_dis: POEx model for environments with categorical observations and discrete actions
| |- networks
| |- policies
| |- utils
|- requirements.txt