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Brendan Yuxiang Liu edited this page Mar 25, 2018 · 22 revisions

Getting Started

Ethereum dApps have two key components: the on-blockchain code that is used for high security guarantees on a public or private blockchain (server-like), and the local front ends that provide user interface and off-blockchain functionality to the user (client-like).

In this guide we provide basic instructions for getting started with dApp development by using the Geth blockchain client for interacting with the blockchain and MeteorJS to create an HTML5 front end that interacts with it via Javascript APIs. For further details on each component of this stack, or to explore some of the many other possibilities for developing dApps on Ethereum, feel free to consult the following links as a reference:

Let's begin by getting our stack set up. Although developing dApps that use the public Ethereum blockchain is in some sense no different than using a private blockchain or a local test blockchain, a few practical factors make it easier to start with controlled environments. This guide will show you how to set up your own local blockchain and write some contracts. Of course, it's a work in progress, and will be continually updated in collaboration with our Toronto Ethereum Developers meetup group

Each component has its own page, accessible via the sidebar on the right hand side of this page.

Useful Links from Meetup

March 18th, 2016