- react
- redux
- react-redux
- react-router
- react-router-redux
- redux-saga
- redux-actions
- immutable
- reselect
- normalizr
- babel - es7
- webpack
- redux-form
npm install
gulp dev http://localhost:8080
gulp build http://localhost:3030
Use propTypes to validate props
- [ref: ] with immutable
Solution of authentication
- handle it in route middleware
- [ref: ] react-redux-router
Expensive calculation
Reselect * Pros * Memoize * Composibility * With Redux
Use in mapStateToProps * Access props * multi copy of a selector, allow each component have his own selector * with Redux, it can apply makeMapStateToProps to gen a independent selector
Present UI
- use normalizr to flat data structure
- to flat response data, resolve the problem of data nested deeply.
- update continuously