Author: Samuel Bachmann
This is a very basic script to create a standard rqt plugin for ROS.
The script will generate a ready to use rqt package including source code files.
There are some input arguments supported to customize the package a bit.
By setting -y
the script generates a rqt package in python.
Example call:
./catkin_create_rqt rqt_example std_msgs sensor_msgs -c Example -n rqt_example -f example -p /home/user/catkin_ws/src
usage: catkin_create_rqt [-h] [-p PATH] [-c CLASS_NAME] [-n NAMESPACE]
[-f FILE_NAME] [-a AUTHOR] [-e EMAIL] [-y]
name [dependencies [dependencies ...]]
Parameter | Description |
[-h, --help] | shows the help message and exits |
[-p, --path] | the path into which the package should be generated |
[-c, --class_name] | rename the used class name |
[-n, --namespace] | rename the used namespace (only C++) |
[-f, --file_name] | rename the file names (file_name.cpp, .h, .ui) |
[-a, --author] | define author in package.xml |
[-e, --email] | define email address in package.xml |
[-y, --python] | generate python rqt package |