HttpForwarder is a gem that lets you easily forward a request from your app to a specified target. It also enables you to transform the request before doing so. For example, it is very handy when it comes to service communications in a microservices architecture.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'http_forwarder', github: 'leikir/http_forwarder'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install http_forwarder
Once you installed the gem, you have to include it in the controller you want to use it in:
include HttpForwarder::Forwarder
Then you need to set up your routes in a new file config/initializers/forwarder.rb
HttpForwarder::Forwarder.configure do |config|
The argument of the method forward()
is your controller name, the argument of the method on()
is your method name and the argument of the method to()
is the target you want to forward to. For example, in the example above, the method create
of the dogs controller redirects the request to http://doggy.woof
It is mandatory to specify the controller and the target, whereas if you don't specify the action it will assume that all your controller methods redirect to the same url. In the example above, all the cats controller actions will redirect to http://kittykitty.miaw
You can whitelist the headers you want to forward.
config.headers.allow(%w[Accept Content-Type])
If you want to forward the request and render the response without any modification whatsoever, simply user the forward_and_render
def index
It will forward to your configured domain, with the same path as in input.
:get, http://my-dogs.mine/4
=>:get, http://doggy.woof/4
:post, http://my-cats.meow
=>:post, http://kittykitty.miaw
Modification is still possible, see below section.
If you want to manipulate the response, simply use the forward
method, then manipulate the response object :
def update
response = forward
parsed_response = JSON.parse(response.body)
parsed_response['data']['name'] = 'droopy'
render json: parsed_response, status: response.status
Sometimes you might want to change the arriving request before forwarding it. To do so, you can pass a proc to our forward method to make the changes you want :
class DogsController < ApplicationController
include HttpForwarder::Forwarder
def create
response_from_other_api = forward do |body, _path, _headers|
body = JSON.parse(body)
body['data']['name'] = 'rex'
@body = body.to_json
In the example above we updated a json body
to alter a key inside it.
We didn't modify the path
or headers
so we could have went for:
# modify only body
forward do |body|
# modify only path
forward do |_body, path|
# modify only body and headers
forward do |body, _path, headers|
To effectively modify the variable inside the block you must assign value to the instance variable
@body = body.to_json
@body = ''
@body = 'nil'
@path = '/api/another/path'
@headers = { |header| header == 'Content-Type'}
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at