This is a simple parser for XML—actually just a relatively thin wrapper around sax-js. It's designed for and tested on node, but it should work on other CommonJS implementations, as well as browsers with the help of bundlers like Browserify.
The API is designed to work well with a variety of backends. This version uses sax-js, but it ought to be easy enough to make a version using, for instance, the built-in DOMParser in web browsers and drop it in with minimal changes to the dependent code.
It's called "xml-pulley" because you pull data from it, as opposed to SAX, which pushes data onto you, or DOM, which stores data for you. And also because I couldn't think of anything better to call it in the several seconds I gave myself to think of a name.
There's no proper documentation at the moment. Have a look at the 90 tests if you like; those were boring enough to write on their own. The wiki also has a simple example of how xml-pulley might be used.