Project for the Control of Mobile Robots course at Politecnico di Milano, A.Y. 2021/2022.
In this work we first present a comparison between the DWA algorithm from the paper and its ROS implementation (dwa_local_planner
Then, a further comparison is made between the implementation above and a custom trajectory tracking controller, which is composed of an inner linearisation law (based on the kinematic model) and an outer tracking law (based on a proportional integral controller with velocity feed-forward).
You can read the text of the assignment and a detailed report on the work. There is also a set of slides briefly summarizing the report above.
Please refer to the "Usage of the code" section of the report, which shows in detail how to run all the code.
Comparison between the two trajectories:
Architecture of the custom controller:
Architecture of DWA standalone:
- Leonardo Gargani
- Giuseppe Chiari
- Serena Salvi