MsfMania is a Python-based command-line tool specifically designed to bypass antivirus detection on Windows systems.
- Polymorphic C/C++ source code.
- x86/x64 staged/stageless Windows payload meterpreter/shell.
- Local & remote memory injection
- XOR encryption.
- Sandbox and Antivirus Evasion.
- Junk code injection.
- Run as Administrator.
- Executable customizable with an icon.
- Cross-compiler with MinGW.
- RAR algorithm compression.
- Automatic Metasploit configuration.
- Sign executable with a spoofed certificate.
- UPX Packer
- Latest version of Kali distribution
- Python3
- Git clone this repository:
git clone
- cd into the MsfMania folder:
cd MsfMania
- Good penetration testing
python3 -h
This project is for educational purposes only. Use it at your own risk.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.