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Learn how to create and configure a Virtual Machine

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    Create and configure a Virtual Machine.

A Virtual Machine is a software that emulate the hardware of a computer. It is very usefull when in a work you need to test something in a diferent system without having another machine ou changing your.


Before start the project, check the section Bonus to decide if you will do it or not.
Then, check the bonus requirements listede there to garantee that you have enough space.


  • Operating system: choose the latest stable version of Debian or Rocky.
    • SELinux must be running at startup. AppArmor for debian must be running at startup too.
  • Create af least 2 encrypted partitions using LVM (This differs in Bonuses).
  • A SHH service must be running on the mandatory por 4242 in the VM.
  • Configure the operating system with the UFW firewall and leave only port 4242 open in the VM.
  • The hostname bus be the login in 42 school ending with 42.
  • Implement a strong password policy.
  • Install and configure sudo.
  • Must have the root user and a user with your login as username. This user has to belong to the user42 and sudo groups.

Other requirements will be described during the steps.



  • Download the image(iso) for Debian.
    In my case, I choose debian-live-12.8.0-amd64-standard.
  • Open Virtual Box and click new.
  • In 42 school you need to store de VM inside /sgoinfre/ directory because of the limited space.


First check the space available in sgoinfre.
For the bonuses you will need 30GB. If this is not available, you can store the VM inside goinfre (without S).
Note that in that case you only can access the VM in the same computer, because goinfre is a local directory.
To make the bonuses, you will need 60gb so you can clone the project.

  • Create an user and define a password (save for later). I choose to define all my passwords equals.
  • The hostname must be like your user42.
  • Select the amount of RAM and processors (this can be changed later).
  • Create a Virtual Hard Disk with 30gb if you will make the bonuses.
    • The HD type VDI is already configurated for this case, as you can see if you choose Expert Mode in the first windown.
  • After finishing, go to Settings and then to Storage.
  • Click in Empty. Click in the options for Optical Drive and search for your Debian iso file. Now save.


  • Language English
  • Selection your location. To choose Portugal your need to select other > Europe > Portugal
  • Configure the keyboard to United States en_US.UTF-8 > American English
  • Hostname for the network: youruser42
  • In Domain name you can just type enter to scape this option.
  • Choose a root password and take note!
  • Create an account with username and password.
  • Configure the clock to Lisbon.


Choose Manual if you will do the bonuses.

Primary Partition

  • Select the partition. Click YES.
  • Select FREE SPACE > Create New Partition.
  • This must have 500m of size. Select Primary > Beginning.
  • Change the mount point to /boot.
  • Done setting up the partition.

Logical Partition

  • Select FREE SPACE > Create New Partition.
  • For the partition size type max > Logical.
  • Mount point: Do not mount it.

Configure Encrypted Volumes

  • "Write the changes to disk and configure encrypted volumes?" YES
  • Create encrypted volumes.
  • Select the device /dev/sda5 > Done > Finish> YES > CANCEL.
  • Create a password to encrypt sda.

Configure the Logical Volume Manager

  • "Write the changes to disk and configure LVM?" YES.
  • Create volume group and name it LVMGroup. Choose /dev/mapper/sda5_crypt.

Creating the logical partitions

  • Create logical volume > LVMGroup
name size How to use Mout Point
root 10g ext4 /root
swap 2.3g swap swap
home 5g ext4 /home
var 3g ext4 /var
srv 3g ext4 /srv
tmp 3g ext4 /tmp
var-log 4g ext4 /var/tog
  • Finish partitioning andwrite changes to disk
  • "Use a network mirror?" YES
  • Portugal > > Leave http empty
  • Accept the installation of GRUB boot loader. Choose the device.
  • Wait and then choose to reboot.


You can check the partitions typing in the terminal: lsblk


  • Enter your encryption password.
  • Enter the user and password.



  • You must be at the root user, so type su - in the terminal and enter the password.
  • Type apt install sudo
  • Reboot the system with sudo reboot
  • Check the installation sudo -V | more


Create a New USER: sudo adduser <login>
Created a New GROUP: sudo addgroup user42
Include User in a Group: sudo adduser <user> <group>
To check users and groups in root:
getent group
getent group <groupname>


  • First update the system
sudo apt update
  • Instal OpenSSH
sudo apt instal openssh-server
  • Check the SSH service
sudo service ssh status
  • Install VIM instead of using nano
sudo apt install vim

Configure the SSH

- Change to root `su -` - Open `sshd_config` ``` vim /etc/ssh/sshd/config ``` - Set `Port` to `Port4242` - Change `#PermitRootLogin no` to `PermitRoologin no` - Save and close.
  • Open ssh_config
vim /etc/ssh/ssh_config
  • Set Port to Port 4242
  • Restart and update
sudo service ssh restart
  • Check service's state
sudo service ssh status


sudo apt install ufw
  • Start UFW with the comand sudo ufw enable
  • Configure the firewall to accept connections on 4242 port
sudo ufw allow 4242
  • Check the status
sudo ufw status

In case you need to change some connections, you can check the status with the command bellow. Remember that you only can be connected to port 4242, and no other.

sudo ufw status numbered

If you have other connections, you can delet it with

sudo ufw delete [rule_number]


  • Get the VM's IP hostname -I
  • Close the VM and go to Settings
  • Click on Network > `Advanced.
  • Modify Attached to: from NAT to Bridged Adapter > OK.
  • Open the VM.
  • Open a new terminal in your machine and type:
ssh <user>@localhost -p 4242
  • It will ask for the user password.
  • To close just type exit
  • This allows you to work in your virtual machine from the terminal of your machine.


  • Check system sockets
ss -tunlp


  • t : display TCP connections

  • u : display UDP connections

  • n : do not resolve IP addresses and service's ports

  • l : display listening sockets

  • p : shows the the process that owns the socket

  • Get IP address `ip --color addr

  • Get system's network interfaces

vim /etc/network/interfaces
  • Edit to look like:
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface
aut enp0s3
iface enp0s3 inet static
    address <ip_address>
    gateway <ip_address>


  • Create a file to store the configuration
touch /etc/sudoers.d/sudo_config
  • Now open it
vim /etc/sudoers.d/sudo_config
  • Add these Defaults
Defaults  passwd_tries=3
Defaults  badpass_message="Wrong password"
Defaults  logfile="/var/log/sudo/sudo_config"
Defaults  log_input, log_output
Defaults  iolog_dir="/var/log/sudo"
Defaults  requiretty
Defaults  secure_path="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin"

passwd_tries - limit to 3 the attempts for entering the sudo password
badpass_message - choose a message in case the passwords do not match
logfile - set a log file to archive the sudo actions (described in the subject)
log_input, log_output - what will be logged
iolog_dir - path where input and ouput will be stored
requiretty - enable TTY
secure_path -
separates root path from user path

  • Create the directory to store the system's sudo log
mkdir /var/log/sudo


How to change the hostname in defense
Check the current hostname: hostnamectl
Change hostname: hostnamectl set-hostname <hostname>
Edit /etc/hosts: sudo vim/etc/hosts/
Just change the older to a new name
Reboot and check: sudo reboot hstnamectl


  • Edit vim /etc/#.defs

  • Set the params to:


  • Install the package libpam-pwquality to provide common functions for password quality checking. Also provides a functin for generating random passwords with good pronounceability.

    sudo apt install libpam-pwquality
  • Open to configure

sudo vim /etc/pam.d/common-password
  • In the section per-package, after retry=3, add the following options:

- means lower bound | + means upper bound

minlen - minimun of characters
ucredit - must contain at least one uppercase char.
dcredit - must contain at least one digit
lcredit - must contain at least one lowercase letter
maxrepeat - only can repeate consecutively a character x number of times
reject_username - password cannot contain the username
difok - password must contain at least x different characters from the previously used password
enforce_for_root - implement password policy to root


You need to create a script called The script will display some information (described in the subject) on all terminals every 10 minutes (from the moment you connect to the account, not in real time from the computer).

Place the at /usr/local/bin Test the script:

sudo /usr/local/bin/
  • Indicates to Unix what program to use to run the script

  • Get system Architecture info
    arch=$(uname -a)

  • Get system's number of Physical Cores
    cpuf=$(grep "physical id" /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l)

  • Get system's number of Virtual Cores
    cpuv=$(grep "processor" /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l)

  • Get amount of used RAM
    ram_total=$(free --mega | awk '$1 == "Mem:" {print $2}')

  • Get total amount of memory in the system
    ram_use=$(free --mega | awk '$1 == "Mem:" {print $3}')

  • Get used memory percentage
    ram_percent=$(free --mega | awk '$1 == "Mem:" {printf("%.2f"), $3/$2*100}')

  • Get amount of used disk memory
    disk_total=$(df -m | grep "/dev/" | grep -v "/boot" | awk '{disk_t += $2} END {printf ("%.1fGb\n"), disk_t/1024}')

  • Get system's total disk space
    disk_use=$(df -m | grep "/dev/" | grep -v "/boot" | awk '{disk_u += $3} END {print disk_u}')

  • Get used memory percentage
    disk_percent=$(df -m | grep "/dev/" | grep -v "/boot" | awk '{disk_u += $3} {disk_t+= $2} END {printf("%d"), disk_u/disk_t*100}')

  • Get percentage of CPU usage
    cpul=$(vmstat 1 2 | tail -1 | awk '{printf $15}')
    cpu_op=$(expr 100 - $cpul)
    cpu_fin=$(printf "%.1f" $cpu_op)

  • Get the date and time of last reboot
    lb=$(who -b | awk '$1 == "system" {print $3 " " $4}')

  • Check if LVM is active
    lvmu=$(if [ $(lsblk | grep "lvm" | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then echo yes; else echo no; fi)

$(...) is a command substitution; Executes the command inside the parentheses and replaces it with it's output;
In bash the -gt flag is the Greater Than Comparison Operator used for arithmetic operations in bash scripting;

  • Check for the number of established TCP connections
    tcpc=$(ss -ta | grep ESTAB | wc -l)

  • Get number of users
    ulog=$(users | wc -w)

  • Get the IP address
    ip=$(hostname -I)

  • Get the MAC address
    mac=$(ip link | grep "link/ether" | awk '{print $2}')

  • Get number of commands invoked by sudo
    cmnd=$(journalctl _COMM=sudo | grep COMMAND | wc -l)

wall " Architecture: $arch
CPU physical: $cpuf
vCPU: $cpuv
Memory Usage: $ram_use/${ram_total}MB ($ram_percent%)
Disk Usage: $disk_use/${disk_total} ($disk_percent%)
CPU load: $cpu_fin%
Last boot: $lb
LVM use: $lvmu
Connections TCP: $tcpc ESTABLISHED
User log: $ulog
Network: IP $ip ($mac)
Sudo: $cmnd cmd"


awk - filters free's output, checking if first word ($1) is equal to "Mem:", printing only the correspondents lines.
df - prints a summary about disk usage. -m flag is to show the result in MB.
grep - filter output to select only lines containing /dev/. -v exclude lines containing /boot/
vmstat - reports information with details about the processes, system status, etc. The numbers define an interval in seconds.
tail - when used with -1 outputs only the last line received from the previous command.


Use crontab -u root -e to show the content


Check this before doing the bonus!

  • Check how much space do you have in the directory that you want to create the VM.
  • You have at least 60gb (yes!!) in the directory (sgoinfre or goinfre).
    • Why? Maybe your signature will be altered after the first evaluation, so you need to clone the project or use save state.
  • Choose do ou not the bonuses before start the project, cause you need to create the partitions since the beggining.
  • For adding points you will have to do:
    • A functional WordPress website with lighttpd, Mariadb and PHP (and study what is these things)
    • Set up a service that you think is useful (NGINX / Apache2 excluded!) Then justify your choice.




Learn how to create and configure a Virtual Machine






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