Voting Record:
Why? Be part of a fun institutional DAO localism experiment, gain credibility when you make grant requests and with the DAO in general, maybe get some work for membership hours knocked off.
Active rewards are listed at .
You do not need to be a LexDAO member to qualify.
Go to our "credKali" instance at .
Fill out the Title and Details like so:
Title | Details |
request a reward | |
Then click on Apps.
Then click on Record Off-Chain Activities.
Fill out the Name, Document and Tag like so:
Be sure to switch to 'all files' if the open file window is set to 'pdf' only.
Name | Document | Tag |
use the eligible activity's title | attach the Document as described by the eligible activity's instructions | LxGrntCrd |
The result should look something like this:
Here's an example of a Document:
This Document example is for the evergreen reward .
Once done, email the URL link to the proposal to We'll respond to you via your email.
If you have questions, email .
Inspired by , LexDAO Grants Committee is offering '$LxGrntCrd' reward points for contributions to LexGrants!
Please send your $LxGrntCrd reward request to our credKali at and notify that you've done it.
We'll decide later how $LxGrntCrd will be honored or how it'll be redeemed, but $LxGrntCrd will likely include redemption for a max percentage of total hours contributed to work for membership. Please note that if you do not honor this attestation, we migth have to shut down the experiment via our at least 52% at all times majority:
- "I promise not to trade $LxGrntCrd with another person unless a proposal passes in this credKali that allows me to do so; I acknowledge that lexgrants.eth might toggle $LxGrntCrd back to non-transferable if I break my promise not to trade $LxGrntCrd."
You do not need to be a LexDAO member to qualify.
Here's a screenshot of thankarb:
Here's a screenshot of our $LxGrntCrd credKali system:
This is an ETH localism fast-turnaround experiment (constitutional). It's specifically about localism in DAOs (instutional), though ETH localism in general is also about local DAOs (extitutional). The vanishing point set is constitute( institute( constitute( ... ) ) , extitute( constitute( ... ) ) )
We can extract the attestation with an LLM such as
LexDAO Grants will always retain at least 52% of the supply at all times.
In other words, only 48% of supply can be in circulation.
So, with our current fixed supply of 1,000,000 tokens, a maximum of less than 520,000 tokens can enter circulation.
Our requirement is over 50%, but Kali defaults to at least 52%.
We put 0.1 ETH in the $LxGrntCrd treasury to show how the Redemption mechanism could be used in the future, but the choice to allow that will be in LexDAO's sole discretion because, in part, we will always retain at least 52% of the supply.
Please reach out to if you would like to request a grant.
Currently, we are only approving grants requested by LexDAO members or nonprofit business-to-business. Our priorities are eventually net positive cash flow for LexDAO opportunities focued on:
- measuring and storytelling LexDAO's impact, with a flywheel included (invest in the Grants Committee)
- members hosting events or representing LexDAO at events, with a flywheel included (invest in generating the Events Committee)
- expanding our media and media distribution, with a flywheel included (invest in the Comms Committee)
That means a grant should land in one of these three TYPE_investment
if it helps tell LexDAO's impact storyevent_investment
if it involves LexDAO hosting events or LexDAO members attending eventspromote_investment
if it helps distribute LexDAO opportunities such as our events, publications and offshoot products or services
If your grant is approved, it'll go through this process:
- after working with you on it, your request will be published by us at
- our response will be published at
- the outcome will be published at
Most grants that get to the published Github request stage are approved, but not all. The ones that aren't approved still receive reasons about why we made the decision.
Our current spend without asking the DAO for permission is a maximum of $2000/month .
Ratified at .