export GOPATH=$HOME/go
go get -v -d -u github.com/lian/gdax-bookmap
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/lian/gdax-bookmap
Usage of gdax-bookmap:
-base string
active BaseCurrency (default "BTC")
-db string
database file (default "orderbooks.db")
-h int
window height
-platforms string
active platforms (default "gdax-bitstamp-binance")
-w int
window width
1/2/3 selects BTC-USD, BTC-EUR, BCH-USD
esc to quit
up/down to change the price steps (aka price zoom) (PriceSteps)
j/k to change the volume chunks brightness (MaxSizeHisto)
a/d to change how many seconds a chunk contains (aka time zoom) (ViewportStep)
left/right to change the column width of volume chunks (ColumnWidth)
c center the graph to last price
p enable auto center
w/s to change the graph price position (PriceScrollPosition)