Unit Tests for libigl
Get started with
git clone --recursive git@github.com:libigl/libigl-unit-tests.git
googletest is a submodule
Use cmake
to generate a Makefile
that will build and test upon issuing
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Then build and test with
make test
This will first compile the tests and then immediately run the tests. If tests are succeeding you should see output similar to:
Test project /usr/local/libigl-unit-tests/build
Start 1: run_igl_mosek_tests
1/4 Test #1: run_igl_mosek_tests ..............***Exception: Other 0.00 sec
Start 2: run_igl_boolean_tests
2/4 Test #2: run_igl_boolean_tests ............ Passed 1.12 sec
Start 3: run_igl_cgal_tests
3/4 Test #3: run_igl_cgal_tests ............... Passed 2.46 sec
Start 4: run_igl_tests
Alternatively, to get more detailed output you can call ctest directly with the verbose flag:
GTEST_COLOR=1 ctest --verbose
You'll see outputs for each individual test:
UpdateCTestConfiguration from :/usr/local/libigl-unit-tests/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
UpdateCTestConfiguration from :/usr/local/libigl-unit-tests/build/DartConfiguration.tcl
Test project /usr/local/libigl-unit-tests/build
Constructing a list of tests
Done constructing a list of tests
Updating test list for fixtures
Added 0 tests to meet fixture requirements
Checking test dependency graph...
Checking test dependency graph end
test 1
Start 1: run_igl_mosek_tests
1: Test command: /usr/local/libigl-unit-tests/build/include/igl/mosek/igl_mosek_tests
1: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
1: [==========] Running 1 test from 1 test case.
1: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
1: [----------] 1 test from mosek_bbw
1: [ RUN ] mosek_bbw.decimated_knight
1: /usr/local/libigl-unit-tests/include/igl/mosek/bbw.cpp:25: Failure
1: Expected: ((Wmo-W_groundtruth).array().abs().maxCoeff()) < (1e-3), actual: 0.00287895 vs 0.001
1: [ FAILED ] mosek_bbw.decimated_knight (2126 ms)
1: [----------] 1 test from mosek_bbw (2126 ms total)
1: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
1: [==========] 1 test from 1 test case ran. (2126 ms total)
1: [ PASSED ] 0 tests.
1: [ FAILED ] 1 test, listed below:
1: [ FAILED ] mosek_bbw.decimated_knight
1/4 Test #1: run_igl_mosek_tests ..............***Failed 2.14 sec
test 2
Start 2: run_igl_boolean_tests
2: Test command: /usr/local/libigl-unit-tests/build/include/igl/copyleft/boolean/igl_boolean_tests
2: Test timeout computed to be: 9.99988e+06
2: [==========] Running 3 tests from 1 test case.
2: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
2: [----------] 3 tests from MeshBoolean
2: [ RUN ] MeshBoolean.TwoCubes
Many libigl functions act on triangle meshes. To make it easy to add a new test for a libigl function, we have a script that will output some boilerplate testing code. So if you issue:
cd include/igl/
../../scripts/new.sh myfun
This will create a test file myfun.cpp
#include <test_common.h>
#include <igl/myfun.h>
class myfun : public ::testing::TestWithParam<std::string> {};
TEST_P(myfun, change_to_meaningful_name)
Eigen::MatrixXd V;
Eigen::MatrixXi F;
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> L;
// Load example mesh: GetParam() will be name of mesh file
test_common::load_mesh(GetParam(), V, F);
// ASSERT_EQ(a,b);
// ASSERT_TRUE(a==b);
// ASSERT_NEAR(a,b,1e-15)
// ASSERT_LT(a,1e-12);
Add a call to igl::myfun
and an assertion (e.g., ASSERT_EQ
) and this will
add a test for all meshes in the data/
folder. (Should also change
to a meaningful name based on what you're testing).
When naming a test for a function igl::extra::function_name
TEST(extra_function_name, meaning_test_name)
where meaning_test_name
could identify the type of test or the type of data
being used.
The test for igl::copyleft::cgal::order_facets_around_edges
TEST(copyleft_cgal_order_facets_around_edges, TripletFaces)
which tests this function on example data containing a triplet of faces.
(Obviously?) The presence of a unit test here for some function (e.g.,
) is not a guarantee or even an endorsement of the notion that
the libigl function igl::cotmatrix
is bug free or "fully tested" or "heavily
tested" or even "adequately tested".
Some of the most used libigl functions
grep -hr "^#include \"" ../libigl/include/igl | sed -e 's/\(\.\.\/\)//g' | sort | uniq -c | sort
still don't have unit tests.