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Librelio Dev edited this page Nov 17, 2014 · 1 revision

PDF documents can be enhanced using links; the syntax is the same as regular internet links, with specificities described below. There are several modules available:

  • [Audio Module](Audio Module)
  • [HTML Module](Audio Module)
  • [In App Module](In App Module)
  • [Map Module](Map Module)
  • [PDF Module](PDF Module)
  • [Slide Show Module](Slide Show Module)
  • [Video Module](Video Module)

Adding arguments

It is possible to specify specific settings using arguments after the link, for example :

If several arguments are needed they should be separated by the & sign, for example with warect=self, et waplay=auto, the link should be:


If the original link already contains a ?, don't add a second one If the link is under the form, add a "/" and a "?"

Distant or local files

Links can be created with distant or local files. Distant files are not downloaded when the pdf is, whereas local files are (they should be stored in the same directory as the pdf). The advantage of using local files is that no connexion is needed to view them when reading.

To specify a link with a local file, use the prefix http://localhost

For example, link to a local video:


Full screen or not

Enhancements can be displayed either in full screen, or inside document.

The default display is inside document, except for html and pdf modules. To specify full screen or not, use the warect argument: warect=full: full sceen display warect=self: display inside the document (in zone specified by link area)

For example, full screen video: :

Autoplay or not

By default, modules are launched by tapping on the link area.

If it is needed to launch the module without user action, use the waplay argument:

  • waplay=auto: the module launches automatically.

For example, video with autoplay: :
